Find the Mastercard credit card that’s right for you

When you make purchases with any Nordea Mastercard credit card, you get a 30-day interest-free payment period on average for the items you buy with no extra charges as well as many other useful features. A combination card gives you the flexibility to charge your purchases either to your credit card (credit) or bank account (debit).

Benefits and features of our credit cards

Use our credit cards for making easy everyday purchases online and in millions of outlets across the world.

Repay and adjust your credit easily online

You get an interest-free payment period of 30 days on average for purchases you pay with your credit card. You can pay off your credit balance in full whenever you like or repay it in monthly instalments. After the interest-free payment period, you will pay interest on the remaining balance as determined in the card terms and conditions.

Free features available in Nordea Mobile and Nordea Netbank:

  • Edit your credit card’s monthly instalment percentage and set it between 3% and 100%. This is the minimum amount you must pay towards your credit balance each month. You can always choose to pay more than the minimum amount either before or after you get the invoice.
  • Choose two instalment-free months a year. Instalment-free means that you only have to pay interest in that month.
  • Adjust the due date of your credit card invoices. If your pay day changes, for example, you can adjust the due date of your credit card invoice accordingly.

How to change your credit settings:

  • In Nordea Mobile: select the card you want to apply changes to, then select Edit credit.
  • In Nordea Netbank: go to Finances, then Cards. Select the card you want to apply changes to, and under the Card details section, click Edit credit.

Increasing credit limit

You can increase the credit limit of your card in Nordea Mobile and Netbank.

  1. In Nordea Mobile or Netbank, select ‘Services’.
  2. Select ‘Credit and payment cards’ and then ‘Increase the credit limit of your Stockmann Mastercard’.
  3. Select ‘Raise your credit card limit’ and fill in the contact request form. We will get in touch with you once we have received your contact request.

Frequently asked questions about credit cards

Tips for paying with a credit card

When you pay with your credit card, you get to enjoy the valuable benefits it offers. With our tips, you can take full advantage of your credit card benefits and security features.

If you have questions about your credit card invoices or payments, see our FAQ page.

Apply for a card in netbank

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