Quick access to card

Start using mobile payments as soon as you see your card in Nordea Mobile.

Interest-free payment period of 30 days

You don't need to pay your purchase instantly when you use your card's credit facility.

Flexible card settings

You can easily edit the card settings in Nordea Mobile or Netbank.

Nordea Gold card in brief

  • The credit limit is 1,500–10,000 euros.
  • The interest rate on the credit is the 3-month Euribor + 9.5%.
  • The monthly account management fee is 4.50 euros when you have interest-bearing debt.
  • Your card is a combination card, giving you the flexibility to charge your purchases either to the credit facility (credit) or your bank account (debit).
  • You can add the K-Plussa feature to your card.

1. Am I eligible?

Coin profile icon - 640x360

You can apply for a credit card if you:

  • are aged 18 or over
  • live permanently in Finland
  • have a regular income and a good payment history
  • have a clean credit record.

3. Card delivery

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Once your application has been approved and the card is visible in Nordea Mobile, you can use it for mobile payments. We will post the physical card to your home address within about two weeks.

Activate your card for mobile payments

Travel insurance in your card
Safe purchases
Mobile payments

International travel insurance

Your trips are covered by comprehensive travel insurance if you pay your travel costs using the credit facility of your card.

The insurance policy is valid on leisure trips abroad when at least 75 % of your total travel and accommodation costs have been paid with your card’s credit facility.

Read more about travel insurance

Manage your credit card while travelling

You can edit your Mastercard settings also when abroad. Go to Nordea Mobile or Netbank and select the region in which your card can be used. You can adjust these settings flexibly depending on your destination.  

See our tips for using your card abroad

Paying with a credit card can provide additional protection if something goes wrong

Making purchases on your credit card could give you extra protection.

Consumer protection

All Nordea credit cards include protection against the seller’s breaches of contract as laid down in the Finnish Consumer Protection Act. If you pay for your purchase using the credit facility of your card and something goes wrong, you could get your money back. Learn about consumer protection.

Product Safety Insurance

Nordea Gold, Nordea Credit and Nordea Premium cards include Product Safety Insurance. Product Safety Insurance provides extra protection for items you purchase for your home or holiday home. It covers a broken or damaged product worth at least 100 euros in accordance with the insurance terms and conditions when you purchase the product with the credit facility of your card. Learn more about Product Safety Insurance.

Set up secure mobile payments

Mobile payments are a safe way to pay that is always at your fingertips. Go mobile and pay all your purchases smoothly with your phone or other smart device – it’s just like paying contactless.

Here’s how to activate mobile payments for your card in Nordea Mobile or Netbank:

  1. Select the card that you want to add.
  2. Open ‘Settings’.
  3. Add to Apple Wallet/Google Pay and confirm the change with your Nordea ID app.

Read more about mobile payments

Apply for a card in Netbank

You can apply for the card directly in Netbank.

Apply here Opens new window
Useful tips
Changes to credit settings
PIN code and account
Increasing your credit limit
Daily spending limits, geographical restrictions and online payments
Card renewal and delivery methods
Billing and transactions
Text message service
Frequently asked questions

Adjust your card settings

You can easily do much of your banking in Nordea Mobile and Netbank anywhere and anytime. By using Nordea Mobile and Netbank, you can edit your card’s security limits and usage area and check your PIN for free. You can also adjust your monthly credit card payment, invoice due date and instalment-free months.

See what else you can do with your card in Nordea Mobile and Netbank.

How to change your credit settings

In Nordea Mobile

  1. Open Nordea Mobile and select the card whose settings you wish to change.
  2. Tap “Edit credit”.
  3. Now you can change the minimum instalment percentage, instalment-free months and/or the due date of your credit. You can change all three features at once or just one of them.
  4. Once you have made the changes, confirm them with the Nordea ID app.

In Nordea Netbank

  1. Open the netbank, choose "Finances" and then "Cards".
  2. Select the card whose settings you wish to change and tap “Edit credit”.
  3. Now you can change the minimum instalment percentage, instalment-free months and/or the due date of your credit. You can change all three features at once or just one of them.
  4. Once you have made the changes, confirm them with the Nordea ID app or device.

Please note that the instalment-free months cannot be consecutive months. The minimum instalment is 3% a month. If you want to change the due date or instalment percentage on an invoice that has already been created, please call us or contact us via chat. The changes are subject to a fee set in our tariff. 

Transfer money from your credit facility to your current account

In Netbank and Nordea Mobile, you can transfer money from your credit card to your personal bank account or a bank account you are authorised to use. For example, you can transfer 100 euros from the credit facility to your account if you won’t receive your salary for another week.

  • In Nordea Mobile: Select the card > tap "Pay and transfer" > "Own transfer" > select the bank account and add the amount > tap "Confirm transfer".
  • In Netbank: Select "Finances" > "Cards" > select the card > "Own transfer" > elect the bank account and add the amount > tap "Confirm".

Please note that interest will begin accruing on any cash you withdraw from your credit facility from the day of the withdrawal. Alternatively, a withdrawal fee may be charged. See the tariff for your card.

PIN and account

You can easily check your card’s PIN in Nordea Mobile or Netbank free of charge.

  • In Netbank: Go to Finances > Cards > select your card > click "View PIN" and "Show PIN"
  • In Nordea Mobile: Select your card > tap "PIN code" > and "Show PIN".

Connect your bank account to your card, and your purchases and cash withdrawals will be debited either to your credit card (credit) or bank account (debit) according to your choice. Any card payments and cash withdrawals you make abroad are debited in euros either to your bank account (debit) or credit card (credit). 

How do I increase the credit limit of my Nordea Gold or Nordea Credit card?

You can increase the credit limit of your card in Nordea Mobile and Netbank.

  1. In Nordea Mobile or Netbank, select ‘Services’.
  2. Select ‘Credit and payment cards’ and then ‘Raise your credit limit’.
  3. Select ‘Raise your credit card limit’ and fill in the contact request form. We will get in touch with you once we have received your contact request.

You can apply to increase your credit limit if you have a regular income, a good payment history and a clean credit record. The factors determining the credit limit you can get include your income, your current debt and the balance of your finances.

Daily spending limits, geographical restrictions and online payments

You can edit the security settings on your card in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. 

  • In Netbank: Go to Finances > Cards. Select the card you want to edit > click on Card details to make the changes. 
  • In Nordea Mobile: Select the card you want to edit > Settings. 

Learn how to use your card safely.

Card renewal and delivery

New card to replace a broken one 

  • In Netbank: Go to Finances > Cards. Select the card you want to renew and click on Renew card.
  • In Nordea Mobile: Select the card you want to renew, then select Settings and click on Renew early.

Expiring cards will be renewed automatically

You will be able to use your card until the end of the last month of validity stated on the front of your card. Your new card will be posted to you before your previous card expires. Please check if you have already received a new card to your home address. 

New card delivered to your home address 

Nordea cards are primarily delivered to your home address in Finland, which you have provided to Nordea. You will receive the card within about two weeks from the card order. There is no delivery charge. We also offer an express delivery service. If you want to choose this option, please contact Nordea Customer Service. When you choose express delivery, the card will be delivered to your home address within about a week. Express deliveries are subject to a fee (10 euros). 

Read more about card delivery options or contact us for further information on the delivery options to a foreign address, for example. 

You can terminate your card by chatting with or calling Nordea Customer Service 

If you want to terminate your card, please contact us via chat or by phone. We recommend that all our customers have at least two cards. This way you are covered if you break or lose one of your cards. 

Nordea Credit and Nordea Gold Mastercard numbers beginning with 5225 or 5228

If you have a Nordea Credit or Nordea Gold Mastercard, you may receive a text message to your mobile phone, asking you to confirm a purchase made with your card. Text messages can also be used to block your card if fraudulent activity is suspected.

Reply to the text message by choosing between the options A and B given in the text message. 

Nets will send the text message to the phone number in its customer register. If your phone number has changed, please call our customer service line for Nordea cards, tel +358 9 6964 6011, Mon– Fri 8.00–20.00.  

The SMS service concerns Nordea Credit and Nordea Gold cards issued by  Nordea Bank Abp and transactions made with their credit facilities.

Credit interest
Prices for cards issued before 1.9.2019
Your rights when making payments in Europe

Indicative annual percentage rate

With a Nordea Gold credit card, the actual annual percentage rate of charge for an outstanding credit balance of 1,500 euros is 21,61% when the 3-month Euribor reference rate is 3,89% (07/2024), the monthly account management fee is 4.50 euros, the customer has opted for the free e-invoice and repays the credit in 12 monthly instalments (139 euros). The estimated total cost of the credit is 1,665 euros. The calculation assumes that the customer has a Mobile Plus or Basic package and therefore gets the card with no monthly or annual fee. Nordea Gold Mastercard is an international charge and credit card and a continuous credit facility which is valid until further notice. The creditor is Nordea Bank Abp, Satamaradankatu 5, Helsinki, or Nordea Finance Finland Ltd, Aleksis Kiven katu 9, Helsinki.

Price for Nordea Gold after 1.9.2019

Prices Mastercard Gold

The Nordea Gold card can be added to the Mobile Plus and Basic packages. Customers will not be charged any monthly or annual fees for cards that have been added to the packages. Read more about the packages here.

Monthly feePrice
Nordea Gold card2,50 €
Parallel card3,00 €

Additional services

Prices for additional service related to credit cards
Additional servicesPrice

Picture card renewal
- own picture or picture from the photo gallery per card

12,00 €
MasterCard queries in Netbank or Mobile Bank per month0,00 €
Service fee for an express order of MasterCard20,00 €
Transaction query for bank account at Otto.ATMs, per query1,50 €
Balance query at an ATM0,80 €
Reorder of card PIN (delivery by post)* 
7,00 €
Checking card PIN in Netbank and Mobilebank
0,00 €
Change of credit limit/change0,00 €
Change of repayment schedule/change0,00 €
Transfer from credit cardInterest-bearing as of the transfer date
Printed credit card invoice/per invoice3,00 €
Copies of invoices and receipts/per item7,00 €
Change or renewal of card during its validity10,00 €  
Finder’s fee0,00 €
Confiscation fee for a card used in violation of the card terms and conditions120,00 €
Cash withdrawals in Finland 
Cash withdrawals in Finland from bank account or card credit
Cash withdrawals from bank account in Finland at a branch 0,00 €

Cash withdrawals from a bank account at an ATM 1–4 withdrawals per month

Cash withdrawals from a bank account at an ATM 5 or more withdrawals per month per withdrawal

0,00 €        

1,00 €

Cash withdrawals from card credit in Finland per withdrawalInterest-bearing as of the drawdown date
Cash withdrawals abroad
Cash withdrawals abroadPrice

Cash withdrawals in euros at ATMs from a bank account in the EEA Member States 1–4 withdrawals per month

0,00 €

Cash withdrawals in euros at ATMs in the EEA Member States 5 or more withdrawals per month per withdrawal1,00 €

Cash withdrawals in euros at ATMs from credit account in the EEA Member States 

Cash withdrawals in euros at ATMs from bank account in the EEA Member States  

Interest-bearing as of the drawdown date

Cash withdrawals in euros from credit account at branches in the EEA Member States 

Cash withdrawals in euros from bank account at branches in the EEA Member States 

Interest-bearing as of the drawdown date

2,00 € + 3 %

Cash withdrawals from credit account in currencies other than the euro at branches and/or ATMs in EEA Member States and outside the EEA

Cash withdrawals from bank account in currencies other than the euro at branches and/or ATMs in EEA Member States and outside the EEA 

Interest-bearing as of the drawdown date

2,00 € + 3 %

Cash withdrawals from bank account and/or credit account at Nordea’s ATMs in Norway, Sweden and Denmark

0,00 €
Depositing cash
Depositing cashPrice
Depositing cash to your bank account at TalletusOtto and OttoPlus ATMs3 deposits free of charge per month, deposits in excess of this EUR 2.50 each and 0.70% of the value of the deposit
Fees related to account maintenance 
The fee related to account maintenance for credit balancePrice
The fee related to account maintenance/per month when the transactions on the invoice are not paid out in full on the invoice due date.4,50 €
Transaction fees 
Transaction feesPrice
Currency conversion fee* added to card purchases or cash withdrawals made in a currency other than the euro2,25 %
*When you make a purchase or withdraw cash in a currency other than the euro, an exchange rate set by Mastercard or Visa plus an additional currency conversion fee subject to our tariff will be applied to the transaction. For more information, see foreign currency card transactions.Opens new window

Prices for Nordea Gold

The Nordea Gold card can be added to the Mobile Plus and Basic packages. Customers will not be charged any monthly or annual fees for cards that have been added to the packages. Read more about the packages here.

Annual feePrice
Nordea Gold card30,00 €
Parallel card36,00 €

Monthly feePrice
Nordea Gold card2,50 €
Parallel card3,00 €

Additional services

Additional servicesPrice

Picture card renewal

- own picture or picture from the photo gallery per card

12,00 €
Mastercard queries in Netbank or Mobile Bank0,00 €
Service fee for an express order of Mastercard20,00 €
Transaction query for bank account or credit account at Otto.ATMs, per query1,50 €
Balance query at an ATM0,80 €
Reorder of card PIN (delivery by post)*
7,00 €
Checking card PIN in Netbank
0,00 €
Change of credit limit0,00 €
Change of repayment schedule
0,00 €
Transfer from credit card2,00 € + 3 %
Printed credit card invoice/per invoice3,00 €
Copies of invoices and receipts7,00 €
Change or renewal of card during its validity10,00 €  
Finder’s fee0,00 €
Confiscation fee for a card used in violation of the card terms and conditions120,00 €
Cash withdrawals in Finland
Cash withdrawals in Finland Price
Cash withdrawals from bank account in Finland at a branch0,00 €

Cash withdrawals from a bank account at an ATM 1–4 withdrawals per month

Cash withdrawals from a bank account at an ATM 5 or more withdrawals per month per withdrawal

0,00 €

1,00 €

Cash withdrawals from card credit in Finland per withdrawal2,00 € + 3 %
Cash withdrawals abroad
Cash withdrawals abroadPrice

Cash withdrawals in euros at ATMs from a bank account in the EEA Member States 1–4 withdrawals per month

0,00 €

Cash withdrawals in euros at ATMs in the EEA Member States 5 or more withdrawals per month per withdrawal

1,00 €
Cash withdrawals in euros at ATMs from credit account in the EEA Member States 2,00 € + 3 %
Cash withdrawals in euros from credit account at branches in the EEA Member States2,00 € + 3 %

Cash withdrawals in currencies other than the euro from bank account and/or credit account at branches and/or ATMs in the EEA Member States and outside the EEA

2,00 € + 3 %

Cash withdrawals from bank account and/or credit account at Nordea’s ATMs in Norway, Sweden and Denmark

0,00 €
Depositing cash
Depositing cashPrice
Depositing cash to your bank account at TalletusOtto and OttoPlus ATMs3 deposits free of charge per month, deposits in excess of this EUR 2.50 each and 0.70% of the value of the deposit

Fees related to account maintenance
The fee related to account maintenance for credit balancePrice
The fee related to account maintenance /per month when the transactions on the invoice are not paid out in full on the invoice due date.3,00 €
Transaction fees 
Transaction feesPrice
Currency conversion fee* added to card purchases or cash withdrawals made in a currency other than the euro2,25 %

*When you make a purchase or withdraw cash in a currency other than the euro, an exchange rate set by Mastercard or Visa plus an additional currency conversion fee subject to our tariff will be applied to the transaction. For more information, see foreign currency card transactions.Opens new window