The most flexible home loan on the market

  • Our variable rate home loans come with our unique FlexiPayment feature that allows you to decrease the size of your monthly payment online when you feel like it. 
  • Choose the loan period that best suits you – it can be up to 30 years. 
  • We offer a wide range of services, and as a home loan customer, you get discounts on many of our products, including home improvement loans, consumer credit and insurance.
  • We offer our home loan customers free investment advice and a comprehensive daily services package that includes credit cards, accounts and our mobile banking app.

Read more about our benefits for home loan customers

Applying for a home loan – how to proceed

You can apply for a home conveniently online. Submitting an application to us doesn’t commit you to take out a loan. If you’re not a Nordea customer yet, you can apply just as easily using the online banking codes of other banks in Finland.

1. Loan application

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Fill in a home loan application online. You can complete the application in one go if you have online banking codes from a bank operating in Finland. You should fill in the application carefully.

However, submitting an application doesn’t commit you to taking out a home loan from us.

Submit a home loan applicationOpens new window 

2. Loan negotiation

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After you have submitted your application, we will contact you to set up a meeting with you concerning your home loan. 

After this meeting, we will provide you with a preliminary home loan offer.

What happens in a loan negotiation?

3. Found a new home?

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Once you’ve found a new home, you should get in touch with us.

With a preliminary loan offer, you can make a conditional offer on the home. But we can also potentially give you a loan promise right after a loan negotiation.

From a preliminary loan offer to a loan promise

4. Closing on a home

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Now that you’ve found your new home, obtained a loan promise from us and had your offer on the home accepted by the seller, it’s time to close the deal. You can close a transaction for a home in branch as well as conveniently online. 

Read more about digital home transactions

Instructions to customers of other banks on how to send salary certificates
Home loan amount and repayment methods
Fees and prices of a home loan
Terms and conditions of a home loan

Are you a customer of another bank? You can get a loan offer from us

  1. Fill in our loan application online. On the application, we will ask about your monthly income, savings, loans and collateral and details about the home. 
  2. Once you have submitted the application, we will get back to you in 1–2 days. 
  3. If we need to discuss the loan with you in further detail, we will book you for an online or phone meeting.
  4. If your application is accepted, you will get a loan promise from us after the loan negotiation.

    Read more about requesting a loan offer

How to speed up the handling process of your home loan application if you’re a customer of another bank

If you’re not a Nordea customer, we need to have your salary certificate from the past three months. If you’re applying for a loan together with your spouse, for example, we need to have salary certificates, account transactions and details on existing loans from both applicants. You can get the salary certificate from your employer.

After you have submitted your home loan application, you can send us your salary certificates and other documents by logging in to Nordea Omaposti with your bank’s online banking codes. In OmaPosti, choose ‘Loans and credit’ as the topic of the message and write ‘Home loan application/salary certificate’ in the message field. Add documents from your computer as attachments to the message.

Interest and fees on a home loan

The biggest expenses in a home loan consist of the loan margin you have negotiated and the reference rate chosen, such as the 12-month Euribor. However, a home loan often includes other smaller expenses, including an initial opening fee or repayment fees. The total of all these costs is expressed through the annual percentage rate of charge (APR). 

Example of a home loan and the annual percentage rate of charge

Example calculation: You take out a loan of 150,000 euros. The loan period is 24 years and the interest rate is 4.20% (April 2024). The APR is 4.4%, including an opening fee of 600 euros and a monthly fee of 2.50 euros for the automatic debiting of loan payments. The number of payments is 288. The total amount of the loan and loan costs is 240,582 euros. The monthly payment (annuity) is 830 euros.

The amount of the loan, the loan period and the interest are a representative example for the home loans offered by Nordea. Please note that the example calculation above is indicative and does not necessarily correspond to the actual annual percentage rate of charge on the loan to be granted to you. You can check the fees and prices of our home loans from our tariff below.

Read more about home loan interest

Common fees on home loans


Arrangement fee*

0,4% but at least 300 €
Increased arrangement fee for a loan with a third-party pledge or guarantee
The increase is not applied to interest-subsidised ASP loans
100,00 €
Partial drawdown30,00 €
Automatic debiting of repayments of loans drawn down before 1 February 2021, per debit2,30 €
Automatic debiting of repayments of loans drawn down after 31 January 2021, per debit
2,50 €

Adding FlexiPayment to a home loan in Norden Mobile or Netbank
(Adding FlexiPayment to an existing home loan always requires automatic debiting of loan payments, which is subject to a fee in accordance with our tariff)

0,00 €

Adding FlexiPayment to a new home loan by an employee at a branch or by phone/with a message through Nordea Customer Service

0,00 €
Adding FlexiPayment to an existing home loan by an employee at a branch or by phone/with a message through Nordea Customer Service
(Adding FlexiPayment to an existing home loan always requires automatic debiting of loan payments, which is subject to a fee in accordance with our tariff)
250,00 €
Advance notice of loan debiting by letter or through Netbank0,00 €
Loan payment, paper invoice4,10 €
Payment reminder to the borrower, guarantor or third-party pledger (per reminder)5,00 €
Change to repayment schedule in Nordea Mobile or Netbank150,00 € 
Change to repayment schedule by an employee at a branch or by phone/with a message through Nordea Customer Service250,00 €
Change to due date or loan servicing account in Nordea Mobile or Netbank (minor change to repayment schedule)
0,00 €
Change to due date or loan servicing account at a branch or by phone/with a message through Nordea Customer Service (minor change to repayment schedule)
50,00 €
Change of borrower or a situation where one of the borrowers assumes liability for the loan alone. **200,00 €
Change to interest rate in Nordea Mobile or Netbank250,00 €
Change to interest rate by an employee at a branch or by phone/with a message through Nordea Customer Service300,00 €
Change to margin by an employee at a branch or by phone/with a message through Nordea Customer Service250,00 €
Obtaining a guarantor’s or pledge owner’s consent to change the loan terms and conditions, such as the repayment schedule or reference rate35,00 €
Transfer of a loan to another bank upon the customer’s request. Charged to the receiving bank. **150,00 €
Sending of a loan document and collateral to another bank. 50,00 €
Certificate requested by the customer stating the amount of debt and paid interest10,00 €

Sending of a share certificate to the customer at the customer’s request after it has been digitised

50,00 €
Handling fee for a home transaction if no loan is taken from Nordea or if the transaction is closed at the seller’s bank250,00 €

Charges related to unsecured home loans drawn down after 1 September 2019

Payment reminder to the borrower, guarantor or third-party pledger (per reminder)5,00 €
Transfer of a loan to another bank upon the customer’s request. Charged to the receiving bank. **150,00 €
Certificate requested by the customer stating the amount of debt and paid interest10,00 €
*) An arrangement fee is charged in connection with the first drawdown and with a raise or renewal of a loan. 
**) Does not apply to loans intermediated from government funds.

Foreign currency credit

Consumers are not granted loans in any other currency than euro.

A housing loan is considered to be currency credit if the loan is granted in a foreign currency other than that of the EU Members State or the state of belonging to the European Economic Area where the consumer resides. Furthermore, a housing loan is considered to be foreign currency credit if the consumer receives his or her income in another currency of a state of the European Economic Area or in currency of a state of European Economic Area. 

A foreign exchange risk occurs when the borrower's income or assets to be used to repay the credit are not in the same currency as the credit or the credit is not in the currency of borrower's country of residence. A foreign exchange risk refers to the change in price of one currency in relation to another. During the loan period, the value of the credit or the monthly payment may increase in relation to the borrower's income or assets or the currency of the borrower's country of residence. 

If the foreign currency of the borrower's country of residence, income or assets falls by 20 per cent in relation to the euro, the borrower receives a warning that the borrower's loan amount will increase in borrower's national currency.

Information on housing loan