The biggest expenses in a home loan consist of the loan margin you have negotiated and the reference rate chosen, such as the 12-month Euribor. However, a home loan often includes other smaller expenses, including an initial opening fee or repayment fees. The total of all these costs is expressed through the annual percentage rate of charge (APR).
Read more about Euribor rates
Example of an ASP loan and the annual percentage rate of charge (APR)
You may be granted an ASP loan after saving for a minimum period of eight calendar quarters in your ASP account by making deposits between 150 and 4,500 euros in each of those quarters. The maximum amount you can borrow is 9 times your ASP savings, but no more than 90% of the purchase price of your home. In addition, the municipality where the home is located affects the amount of the interest-subsidised ASP loan.
Example of an ASP loan:
You take out a loan of 124,000 euros. The loan period is 23 years and the interest rate is 3.15% (October 2024). The APR is 3.3%, including an opening fee of 496 euros and a monthly fee of 2.50 euros for the automatic debiting of loan payments. The number of payments is 276. The total amount of the loan and loan costs is 176,481 euros. The monthly payment (annuity) is 635 euros.
The amount of the loan, the loan period and the interest are a representative example for ASP loans offered by Nordea. The example, however, is only indicative and has been calculated using certain assumptions. This example of an ASP loan does not necessarily correspond to the actual APR charged on the loan granted to you. The example does not account for any interest subsidy paid by the state.
You can check the fees and prices of our home loans from our tariff below.