Small adjustments, like moving an invoice due date to your pay day, can make it easier for you to manage your day-to-day finances. It’s also worth preparing for unexpected expenses by keeping a few months’ income on the side, just in case.
Use the flexible features of your credit cards and FlexiCredit when your everyday finances are stretched. You can choose two instalment-free months a year or change the percentage of the monthly instalment on your credit card. You can easily apply these changes yourself in Netbank or Nordea Mobile.
By adding the FlexiPayment feature to your home loan, you can decrease or increase your next loan instalment or take an instalment-free month without having to contact us. What’s more, you can do this free of charge through Nordea Mobile or Netbank as soon as you see the next instalment on your list of payments falling due.
If you wish to make other changes to your repayment schedule, you can apply for a payment holiday of up to one year, during which you will only pay interest and expenses on your home loan.