More than one million encounters

Everyone needs financial skills

It’s essential that children and young people become financially literate. Learning financial skills at a young age sets you up for the rest of your life. Paying your bills on time helps you maintain a clean credit record and saving money helps you prepare for unexpected costs.

Our core expertise is finance and we want to share our knowledge with the future generations. We work with pupils and students of all ages, growing their know-how through training, games and exercises. This gives them a good foundation in money management.

How do we teach financial skills to children and young people?

Nordea works closely with schools and various partners to help children learn about finances at a suitable pace. Together we have developed training courses and exercises that make learning fun and memorable. We also provide support to young people for entering the world of work and pursuing entrepreneurship. Read about our projects and what the young people say about them below:

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Financial skills workshops

Financial skills workshop - small

We organise financial skills workshops in comprehensive and upper secondary schools across Finland. In the workshops, the participants learn about:

  • the cost of living
  • how to save money
  • how to manage money.

Feedback on the workshop:

“I learned that saving money is important and now I ask myself: do I really need something or do I just want it?”

Games and competitions


Games and competitions are a fun way to learn about finances. We have been involved in developing:

  • Moneymaster games that children and young people can play on their phones
  • the Moneymaster competition where 8th graders take part in a friendly financial skills contest.

Feedback on the Moneymaster game:

“It’s great to learn financial skills from a game. I wanted to play all levels through at once!”

Work experience programme

Yrityskylä - small

Children and young people learn about the world of work through hands-on exercises. They can, for example:

  • try out different jobs in the Yrityskylä learning environment
  • gain work experience through the remote TET programme
  • learn future skills in a business class for upper secondary school students.

Feedback on remote TET:

“Before this week I wasn’t interested in anything and now I’m interested in everything.”

Preparing for adulthood

Smiling students - small

In collaboration with Opopassi, we have developed a personal finances course for upper secondary school students. The lessons give students the tools they need to prepare to live independently. For example:

  • how to finance a home
  • how to apply for student financial aid.

Feedback on the course:

“Even if you don’t know what you’ll need money for in the future, your savings may come in handy one day.”

Proactive support with money worries

Financial skills project

The Deaconess Foundation’s Vamos financial skills project helps young adults aged 16 to 29 to manage their personal finances. The project deals with:

  • everyday spending
  • breaking the cycle of debt
  • how your bank can help.

Feedback from a participant:

“I got the feeling that it’s okay to talk about money and you can get help if you need it.”

Mentoring young entrepreneurs

4H - summer entrepreneurship - small

We support young people who are interested in business and entrepreneurship.

  • 4H summer entrepreneurship is a safe way to practice running a business. Nordea provides the entrepreneurs mentoring and guidance.

Feedback from a summer entrepreneur:

“Balance sheets were a new concept to us. We have learned a lot from our Nordea mentors.”

Employer-supported volunteering

Making a real difference

“Each Nordea employee can spend two working days a year for volunteering projects that support financial and entrepreneurial skills. Our employees are happy to be able to help people and make a real difference.”

Pirjo Kuusela - Corporate Social Responsibility - Small

Pirjo Kuusela, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Nordea

Learning financial skills has many benefits:

  • Financial skills give you the tools you need to manage your personal finances. Understanding your income and expenses helps you live within your means.
  • Money impacts all aspects of your life. An unpaid bill can lead to a vicious cycle of debt, which can in the worst case mean that your property will be seized and that you’ll have a harder time getting a job or a rental home.
  • Financial skills are a way to make a difference in society and contribute to sustainable development. We as individuals and as a society decide how we invest and what we finance. These decisions also have consequences for the next generations and the environment.
  • Increase your financial literacy at
Financial skills workshops
Moneymaster games and competition
Work experience programme (TET) and The Spring
Preparing for adulthood
Support with money worries
Digital guidance sessions for older adults

Upper secondary school and vocational school

Our financial skills workshop for upper secondary and vocational students consists of two lessons:

  • Relationship with money and budgeting
  • Saving and buying your own home

The lessons deal with the participants’ relationship with money and spending, managing their finances through budgeting, the benefits of saving, and various forms of housing. The young participants receive tips and tools for managing their finances sustainably and working towards their dreams. The aim is to get the participants to become aware of their spending habits and to plan their current and future finances. 

Sign up your class for the spring 2025 workshops for upper secondary schoolsOpens new window (registration only in Finnish).

We advise thousands of older adults in the use of digital services every year

The importance of financial literacy in a digital world will continue to grow in the future. By providing guidance on how to use digital services, we can improve the skills and security of older adults in a society undergoing a digital transformation.

See our digital advice section for support in digital banking. 

Our cooperation partners include

Enter ryOpens new window, Valli ryOpens new window, Savonetti ryOpens new window, Mukanetti ryOpens new window, Joen severi ryOpens new window, Turun kansalliset seniorit ryOpens new window and KelaOpens new window.

Our partners

We work closely with various organisations: