How to prepare for buying a home

Buying a home is one of the most important decisions of your life and something you should go into well prepared.

Buying a home for the second time

A woman in work wear measuring a wall - small

Four homeowners explain what they would do differently if they were buying a new home today. 

Get tips for buying a home

When you have found a home you wish to buy

Ota talteen vinkit asuntonäytölle ja lue, mitä asioita on hyvä ottaa huomioon, kun mietit omakotitalon ostoa. Katso lisäksi ohjeet ostotarjouksen laatimiseen.

How to make an offer on a home

Young happy couple receiving keys of their new home - small

You can make a conditional or binding offer on a home. See what to include in a purchase offer and what conditions you can set in it.

Read more about making an offer

Preparations for buying a home

Read our instructions on how to prepare for buying an apartment or a property and close the transaction with the seller.

How to close the transaction for an apartment

Apartment blocks - 640X360You can complete the transaction for an apartment either online or in-branch. Read here about the different steps for buying an apartment.

Read more about buying an apartment

How to close a property transaction

House icon - 640x360You can close a property transaction either digitally or in the traditional way in branch. Explore your options and learn about the different steps for buying a property. 

Read more about property transactions

Why you should take a home loan from us

A home loan from Nordea is flexible when your life takes a new direction. In addition, you’ll get help from our expert advisers and gain access to our easy-to-use digital services.