Enjoy our free services

Minors can get an account, a card and online access codes free of charge.

Manage your finances anywhere, anytime

Bank on the go with our Nordea Mobile app.

Pay with your phone with just one tap

Add your card to Apple Pay, Google Pay and other payment apps.

How to activate your personal banking services

If you are 15 to 17 years of age, you can open daily banking services yourself, provided that you have personal income. This income can consist of your salary from a summer job or student financial aid, for example.

These are the services you can obtain independently:

  • a current account
  • a Nordea Debit card
  • Nordea access codes.

You can use the access codes to log in to Nordea Mobile and Netbank, where you will see the services you have personally opened. With your parents’ consent, you can also have any other services they have opened for you shown to you in Nordea Mobile and Netbank.

If you use Nordea Mobile, your current account, Nordea Debit card and access codes will be free of charge until you turn 26.

1. Get an account, a card and online banking credentials

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If you already have Nordea access codes, you can open an account and apply for a card by calling Nordea Customer Service.

If you don’t have Nordea access codes yet, you can open the services in-branch. Book an appointment for a branch visit by calling us.

2. Download the Nordea apps to your mobile phone

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Download the Nordea ID app to your phone and activate it in order to be able to use it for logging in to Nordea Mobile and Netbank.

Once you have set up the Nordea ID app, you can download Nordea Mobile to start using mobile banking. Nordea Mobile allows you to check the balances of your accounts and adjust your payment card’s security settings.

Learn more about the Nordea ID app

Read more about Nordea Mobile

3. Activate strong electronic identification

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Add strong electronic identification (e-identification) to your online access codes to enable you to use them to log in to other services, such as OmaKela, MyTax and Studyinfo. E-identification is activated at a Nordea branch and you need your guardians’ consent.

Read more about activating e-identification

Tip! Remember to activate mobile payments

You can add your Nordea Debit card to your phone and start making mobile payments. In Nordea Mobile, you can add your card directly to Apple Pay or Google Pay. Please note that the minimum age for using Google Pay is 16 years.

Read more about mobile payments

You can open additional services with your guardians’ consent

Student loan for a minor

Student graduation hat icon - 640x360You can apply for a student loan before you turn 18, provided that your guardians consent to this and you are eligible for the state guarantee for student loans.

Read more about student loans

ASP account for a minor

House with stack of coins - 640X360You can start saving in an ASP account once you have turned 15 and have personal income. You will need your guardians’ consent to open an ASP account.

Read more about ASP account

Frequently asked questions about banking services for young people

Are you the guardian of an underage child? You can open banking services for a minor on their behalf

As the guardian of a child, you can open a current account and a PerkAccount for saving and obtain a debit card and online banking credentials for them easily online.

Open banking services for your child online