Benefits for the PerkAccount

  • A PerkAccount is suitable for regular saving.
  • There are no limits to the deposit period and amount.
  • You can freely perform credit transfers without restrictions.
  • The account is covered by the deposit guarantee. 

Features for the PerkAccount

  • PerkAccount’s annual deposit interest rate is fixed.
  • Interest is calculated on the daily balance according to actual calendar days. The interest paid on the deposit depends on how long the funds remain in the account.
  • Deposit interest and possible interest paid instead of deposit interest, are paid to the account annually at the end of the calendar year.  
  • In Finland, the interest paid on accounts is subject to tax-at-source.
Prices and interest rates

Other savings account

New! 3 month period also available

FlexiDeposit Account

FlexiDeposit is an automatically renewed savings account for easy, safe and flexible saving. You can always calculate your interest earnings in advance for each saving period, and withdraw your savings whenever you want.

Read more about FlexiDeposit Account

For first-time home savers

ASP account

You can open an ASP account if you’re aged between 15 and 44 and want to start saving to buy your first home. Once you’ve saved at least 10% of the price of your home, we’ll lend you the rest.

Read more about ASP account

Time Deposit Account

We will agree on the deposit interest when you open the account and it will remain fixed for the entire deposit period.

Read more about Time Deposit Account