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Tips for saving

1. Choose a suitable amount that you can increase with time

Usually the best way is to put away a certain amount on paydays: when you do not see the money, you will not miss it, either.

For example, if you save:   

  • 10 euros a month = 120 euros a year
  • 100 euros a month = 1,800 euros a year

2. Choose a saving product

  • A suitable alternative for regular saving is fund saving, where the minimum amount to be saved is 10 euros a month. Get started with our digital savings advisor Nora or try our Portfolio designer to find the right funds for you.
  • The ASP account is suitable for young adults (aged 18 to 39) for saving the initial capital for their first own home. The minimum monthly sum to be saved is 50 euros.
  • You can also save small sums in an account. The ePiggy, for example, can help you with this.

3. Stick to your plan - Regular saving mitigates the effect of market volatility

  • Since market movements are impossible to forecast, it is difficult to time your investments at the best possible moment.
  • When you invest in several increments instead of everything in one go, you can avoid the risk related to timing.
  • By investing regularly, you can reduce the effect of market fluctuations over the long term, so you won't need to fret about market movements.