Quick and easy

Get started in just a few minutes and with as little as 10 euros a month.

Low costs

Buy and sell Nordea funds without fees in our digital channels.

Flexible fund investments

Adjust the savings amount and take a break whenever you want.

When you want to get started easily

Try our digital investment adviser

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Our digital investment adviser Nora will recommend you a plan and a fund that suits you the best. Using Nora is easy and won’t cost or commit you to anything. You will get a recommendation and decide whether you want to start saving. You can get started in just a few minutes and with as little as 10 euros a month.

When you want to create a mutual fund portfolio

Discover our Portfolio Designer

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If you know your preferred investment profile, try our Portfolio Designer tool. It allows you to create a diversified fund portfolio containing the funds that suit you in particular. You can try the tool completely free of charge without committing to investing.

Why should you start monthly fund investments with Nordea?

Getting started is easy

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  • It takes as little effort to get started with monthly fund investments as it takes to activate a streaming service – the difference is that in funds your money will work for your dreams.
  • You get a plan to help you diversify the risks and a solution that works best for you.

Track performance

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  • You can easily track the performance of your fund units and other investments in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. You can check the status of your monthly investments with your phone anytime and anywhere.
  • When you invest in funds, you don’t need to monitor the markets daily, as that will be handled by the fund manager.

Adjust your savings

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  • You can adjust your savings amount, sell your holdings or invest more in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. When you sell fund units, you will typically get the money in your account within a few banking days. 
  • You can take a break or stop monthly investments altogether whenever you want.
  • Read more about funds and their specific features in Nordea Mobile and Netbank.

What do you save for and what are you dreaming about?

To prepare for a rainy day you take out an insurance policy, but to realise your dreams and prepare for good times, you build up savings – so you should save for whatever makes you smile and what you’re dreaming about. What is important to you and what do you want to achieve?

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Fill in our contact form below and we will call you back as soon as possible.

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Important information about investing

The information provided on this website is intended as general product information only and does not constitute investment advice or recommendations. When it comes to funds or equities, past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The value of fund units or equities may increase or decrease due to market movements, and it is not certain that you will get back the entire amount you invested.