
Current Account

An account for taking care of your daily banking, which you can easily complement with all the suitable services.

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New! 3 month period also available

FlexiDeposit Account

FlexiDeposit is an automatically renewed savings account for easy, safe and flexible saving. You can always calculate your interest earnings in advance for each saving period, and withdraw your savings whenever you want.

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Time Deposit Account

We will agree on the deposit interest when you open the account and it will remain fixed for the entire deposit period.

Read more about Time Deposit Account

For first-time home savers

ASP account

You can open an ASP account if you’re aged between 15 and 44 and want to start saving to buy your first home. Once you’ve saved at least 10% of the price of your home, we’ll lend you the rest.

Read more about ASP account

Rental security deposit account

You can open a rental security deposit account when you are renting a flat. The offered account is a PerkAccount.

Read more about rental security deposit account

For monthly saving


A PerkAccount is a good option when you want to build a buffer or save in the short term: you will have unrestricted access to withdrawals and deposits.

Read more about PerkAccount

Foreign currency account

Foreign currency account is the most cost-effective way to invest abroad but remember that there are risks related to exchange rates.

Read more about foreign currency account

Basic payment account

A statutory basic payment account and the related services offer you more concise banking services for everyday banking.

Read more about basic payment account

Payments and services


Receive your invoices in an electronic format directly in your Netbank. It is is environmentally friendly and inexpensive.

Read more about e-invoice

Credit transfer

Credit transfer is an easy way to make euro payments in Netbank, at a payment ATM, or as branch service.

Read more about credit transfer

Payment service

Use of the payment service suits you if you do not want to use self-service options to pay your bills.

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SEPA direct debit

SEPA direct debit makes it possible to order and pay for services across Europe.

Read more about SEPA direct debit

SEPA Instant Credit Transfer

SEPA Instant Credit Transfer is a new European instant payment service that enables you to receive euro-denominated credit transfers in seconds.

Read more about SEPA credit transfer

Currency payments

You can pay your foreign currency payments easily with your access codes.

Read more about currency payments


An electronic payslip which you can view through Netbank. Ask your employer about the possibility to receive your payslip electronically.

Read more about e-salary

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