Key changes
Advice for guardians
Advice for 18-year-olds

Benefits and services for young adults

  • Free daily banking services: When you’re 18 years old, you get an account, a Nordea Debit card and online access codes for Nordea Mobile and Netbank free of charge (normal price is 7.90 euros per month). When you’re 19 years old, you will continue to get daily banking services free of charge, provided that you use Nordea Mobile and have an account and a payment card with us.
  • Equity savings account free of charge: You get an equity savings account without the monthly custody fee (normal price is 2.45 euros per month). This benefit is available for customers under 30 years old.
  • Discount on home insurance: Nordea customers enjoy a 25% discount on new home insurance policies from If. Read more about If home insurance.

Continue to enjoy our young customer’s benefits when you’re 19–25 years old

Planning to study?

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If you’ve secured a place in a university, you can become a Nordea student customer and enjoy our valuable benefits.

Regular saving

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Saving monthly in an investment fund is an easy way to grow your wealth. You can get started with as little as 10 euros a month.

ASP saving

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Dreaming of owning your own home some day? ASP saving is a great way to save for your first home.

Tips for banking and managing your finances

Leaving home, starting your studies and taking care of your finances may be daunting. Our expert advisers share their tips on social media on how to do your daily banking and manage your finances.

Learn financial skills easily online

Watch our free financial skills videos in which we explain key financial terms and discuss saving and budgeting.

Watch our financial skills videos

Ask us on social media

We share practical tips on social media for planning your personal finances. Our Nordea_Aspa account is available to answer questions on Jodel from Monday to Friday. You can also find us on Instagram at @nordea_fi and on Snapchat at @nordeasuomi.