- How do I check my credit card transactions?
You can view your credit card transactions and balance in the following services: Nordea Mobile and Nordea Netbank, the invoice and e-invoice archives as well as Nordea Finance’s OmaLuotto service to which you can log in using the online banking codes of other Finnish banks. Your credit card invoice serves as your account statement.
To view your credit card transactions in Nordea Mobile, select your card on the front page. Depending on the card type, you will be able to see your transactions for the past 1–3 months.
Please note that the name of the seller under a card transaction may be different from the name of the creditor on your invoice.
- What does the 30-day interest-free payment period mean in credit cards?
You get an interest-free payment period of 30 days on average for purchases you pay with your credit card. You can pay off your credit balance in full whenever you like or repay it in monthly instalments. After the interest-free payment period, you will pay interest on the remaining balance as determined in the card terms and conditions.
Example: buying a vacuum cleaner
The due date of the credit card invoice is the 15th of each month and the invoicing period is from 25 March to 26 April. We recommend that you choose the date on which you receive regular income as the due date to make it easy for you to pay the invoice when you have money available.
1 April You buy a vacuum cleaner.
15 April Due date on the credit card invoice, on which you pay the invoice for the previous invoicing period (March).
26 April New invoicing period starts. Any purchases made after this date will be invoiced in June.
15 May Due date for purchases made in April, including the vacuum cleaner in this case.
If you had bought the vacuum cleaner on 26 April, you would still pay it on 15 May. If you had bought the vacuum cleaner on 27 April, the due date would be 15 June instead.
- How can I change the due date and instalment percentage of my credit card invoice?
You can check and change the due date of your credit card invoice, change your instalment percentage and select instalment-free months in Nordea Mobile or Netbank:
- In Nordea Mobile: select the card you want to apply changes to, then select Edit credit.
- In Nordea Netbank: go to Finances, then Cards. Select the card you want to apply changes to, and under the Card details section, click Edit credit.
If you want to change the due date or instalment percentage on an invoice that has already been created, please call us or contact us via chat. The changes are subject to a fee set in our tariff.
See your credit card invoice to check the invoicing period, monthly transactions and payment details. If you have opted for e-invoicing, itemised invoices are available in Nordea Netbank and Nordea Mobile.
- What changes can I make independently to my card invoices?
You can check and change the due date of your credit card invoice, change your instalment percentage and select instalment-free months in Nordea Mobile or Netbank:
- In Nordea Mobile: select the card you want to apply changes to, then select Edit credit.
- In Nordea Netbank: go to Finances, then Cards. Select the card you want to apply changes to, and under the Card details section, click Edit credit.
If you want to change the due date or instalment percentage on an invoice that has already been created, please call us or contact us via chat. The changes are subject to a fee set in our tariff.
See your credit card invoice to check the invoicing period, monthly transactions and payment details. If you have opted for e-invoicing, itemised invoices are available in Nordea Netbank and Nordea Mobile.
- How do I repay my credit card debt in Nordea Mobile or Nordea Netbank with the amount I want?
You can make extra instalments or pay off your debt whenever you want. You can also increase the total on your credit card invoice. Here are more specific instructions for different cards.
Repayments of credit on Nordea cards are easy to make in Nordea Mobile (select your card, tap Pay and transfer and Continue) or Netbank (select your card, click Pay back and Confirm payment). You only need to enter the repayment amount – the other details of the payment will be automatically added.
If necessary, you can check the end balance of credit cards with a number starting with 522 by calling Nets’ Nordea Card customer service at (09) 6964 6011Opens new window (Mon–Fri 8.00–20.00).
- What is covered by the Product Safety Insurance on my credit card?
Product Safety Insurance will compensate for damaged or broken products worth 100 euros or more, as per the terms and conditions of the policy, when you have purchased the product using the credit function on your Nordea card. Product Safety Insurance is valid for 180 days from the date of purchase. Product Safety Insurance is included in the following cards: Nordea Credit, Nordea Gold, Mastercard Premium, Nordea Platinum and Nordea Black.
Read more about Product Safety Insurance