Contactless Payment
All new and renewed cards issued by Nordea support contactless payments. You can pay as you go simply by holding your card to the payment terminal. For purchases over 50 euros, you will have to enter your PIN in the card reader to confirm the payment. All contactless cards have the wave-like contactless symbol on the front side of the card.
Contactless Payment is easy and quick
Contactless payment allows you to pay for purchases that cost less than 50 euros quickly and easily by holding the card close to the payment terminal. You do not need to insert your card into the payment terminal or key in your PIN. Contactless payments can be made at all payment terminals which carry the contactless payment wave symbol and are able to process contactless payments.
You can always use a card featuring contactless payment also in the traditional way - and also for purchases which cost less than 50 euros. Just insert your card into the payment terminal and key in your PIN.
Contactless payments can be made with new Nordea Credit, Gold, Premium, Platinum and Black cards. If you are paying with a combination card (Credit/Debit), contactless payments are always charged from your bank account. If your card is a credit card without the debit feature, contactless payments are charged from the credit facility.
With the credit facility you can make contactless payments with Finnair Plus and Stockmann Mastercards. The purchases are always debited to the credit account, in other words, to the card's credit facility irrespective of whether you have a combination card or a credit card.
Tap and pay with Nordea cards
Contactless payments can be made with Nordea Credit, Gold, Premium, Platinum and Black cards. If you have a combination card (Credit/Debit), contactless payments are always charged from your bank account. If your card does not have the debit feature, contactless payments are charged to the credit facility.
With Finnair Plus, Stockmann and TUOHI Mastercards, all contactless payments are charged from your credit account, regardless of whether your card is a combination card or a credit card.
You can also make contactless payments that cost less than 50 euros with Nordea Debit or Nordea Electron. With these cards, the purchases are always debited to your bank account. When you pay contactless with Nordea Electron, an authorisation hold will be placed on your account as usual.
You will know that you can tap and pay when your card features the wave symbol.
Secure contactless payments
Contactless payments make shopping easier and ensure that your PIN doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. You will continue to pay for larger purchases using your card’s PIN.
For security reasons, payment terminals will occasionally ask you to insert your card and enter the PIN to make sure you’re the rightful cardholder.
In addition, please note that you can only make a certain number of contactless payments in a row. After this, you will need to re-activate contactless payments by inserting your card into the payment terminal and keying in your PIN. Here’s how you can re-activate contactless payments if you have a combination card:
- If you are using a Nordea Gold, Nordea Credit, Nordea Premium, Nordea Platinum or Nordea Black combination card, make the payment using the debit feature of your card. Any contactless payments you make will then be charged to your bank account.
- If you have a Finnair Plus Mastercard or Stockmann Mastercard combination card, make the payment using the credit feature of your card. With these cards, all contactless payments are charged to your credit account.
It’s important that you store the PIN separately from your card and don’t let other people have access to it.
How do I pay with my contactless card?
When you are paying with your card that allows contactless payment for the first time, insert your card into the payment terminal and key in your PIN. Contactless debit payments are activated with a debit purchase and contactless credit payments with a credit purchase. This will activate the contactless payment feature on your card and you may now pay for small purchases without keying in your PIN.
Contactless payments make shopping easier and ensure that your PIN does not fall into the hands of a third party. You will continue to pay for larger purchases with your card’s PIN. The payment terminals will occasionally ask for your PIN in contactless payments to ensure security.
Single tap
The single tap is a new solution that allows you to exceed the 50 euro limit on contactless payments that you make with your card. This feature is also called “online PIN”, and it enables easy contactless payments for any sum.
When you pay for a purchase exceeding 50 euros at a checkout with your card, you no longer need to insert the card into the payment terminal. All you need to do is hold your card close to the payment terminal and then enter your PIN.
Contactless payments for purchases of less than 50 euros will work as before. If the payment terminal asks you to enter your PIN, you can just do it without having to insert your card into the payment terminal.
The single tap is available with all Nordea payment cards. You don’t need to do anything to activate this feature.
Did you know? With mobile payment you can also make payments exceeding 50 euros. Read more about mobile payments.