Investment products

Equity savings account

Within the equity savings account you can trade in listed shares, without having to instantly pay taxes on your possible returns.

Read more and open an Equity Savings Account

Book-entry account

Investors need to open an electronic book-entry account for the custody of equities and other securities. Opening a book-entry account is easy, once you open online trading services you can open the book-entry account at the same time.

Read more and open a Book-entry account


Funds Now - see our whole range of funds

Funds Now is an online service that contains information on investment funds.

Go to Funds Now

Portfolio designer

Portfolio designer allows you to choose your preferred investment profile from five alternatives and creates just the right portfolio for you based on your choice.

Try Portgolio designer

Nora - digital savings advice

Try our digital savings advisor Nora if you want to start saving quickly and conveniently. It will only take 5–7 minutes.

Read more about Nora

Insurance saving

Unit-linked insurance

Unit-linked insurance is a good option for long-term saving and investing both for yourself and for future generations. You can select different types of investments under one contract and switch them flexibly without any extra cost. We have options for both active investors and new savers.

Read about unit-linked insurance

Savings accounts

For first-time home savers

ASP account

You can open an ASP account if you’re aged between 15 and 44 and want to start saving to buy your first home. Once you’ve saved at least 10% of the price of your home, we’ll lend you the rest.

Read more about ASP account

New! 3 month period also available

FlexiDeposit Account

FlexiDeposit is an automatically renewed savings account for easy, safe and flexible saving. You can always calculate your interest earnings in advance for each saving period, and withdraw your savings whenever you want.

Read more about FlexiDeposit Account

For monthly saving


A PerkAccount is a good option when you want to build a buffer or save in the short term: you will have unrestricted access to withdrawals and deposits.

Read more about PerkAccount

Fixed rate and period

Time Deposit Account

As the interest rate on a Time Deposit Account is fixed for the entire deposit period, you will always know in advance how much interest you will earn on your deposit.

Read more about Time Deposit Account