Save easily for your grandchild or godchild

  • A monetary gift is easy to transfer to the child’s own account
  • A monetary gift can be invested through a child’s account when the parents re-invest it in a fund or in equities.
  • If the child already has an insurance-based investment product, you can easily transfer money as a credit transfer to the investment alternatives chosen by the parents.

Why not think of a child’s future today?

Saving for a grandchild, godchild or some other close relative will bring stability and security for their future. 

By saving regularly, small sums will add up to considerable wealth with time. The accrued savings may be of great help as the child grows up and needs to acquire a driving licence, buy a home or start their studies, for example.

Saving for a child will also develop the child’s financial skills, as they gain experience in saving. When you invest responsibly, you can impact the environment, human rights and improvement of working conditions in the long term. This way you will create a more sustainable future for your loved one.