Nordea Prime reference rate

Nordea Prime is used as a reference rate for personal customers’ home loans and other long-term loans.

Nordea Prime rate

3,50 %
  • Nordea Prime is adjusted in line with market rates, although adjustments occur less frequently than in market rates, which makes it more stable.
  • Any changes to the interest rate will be announced on the news section of at least 14 days before their entry into force.
  • The interest rate is affected by the current level of short- and long-term market rates, as well as interest-rate expectations, the inflation outlook and the general economic outlook have an impact on the rate value.
  • The interest rate is set by Nordea Bank Oyj.

Historical data on the Nordea Prime rate

Switch from Euribor to Prime

If you want to switch from the 12-month Euribor rate to the Nordea Prime rate, use our form to apply for a change to your home loan.

Switch your rateOpens new window

Nordea DepositRate

This interest rate is applied to certain Nordea savings accounts opened in the past.

We don’t offer accounts with DepositRate as the reference rate anymore. Our PerkAccount and FlexiDeposit are good options for saving.

Nordea DepositRate1,50 %

Nordea Avista

The Nordea Avista reference rate is an overnight interest rate quoted by Nordea´s money market trading.

  • t is determined daily according to Nordea’s liquidity and the prevailing overnight interest in the money markets.
  • The interest is quoted for both the euro and the main currencies, and separately for loans and deposits. 
  • The Nordea overnight reference rate is used as the reference rate on cheque accounts and the Nordea overnight foreign currency rate as the reference rate on foreign currency accounts.

Interest rate on a home loan

The margin of your home loan will remain the same throughout the loan period, whereas the reference rate will fluctuate according to the market movements. This means that the interest on your loan may rise of fall during the loan period.

What other factors will affect the total interest charged on your home loan?

Loan reference rates

Euribor is the most commonly used reference rate in Finland. Other reference rate options include a fixed rate and Nordea Prime.

Read more about other reference rates

Are you worried about interest rates?

Protect your loan and finances against changes in interest rates and costs by saving or with interest rate hedging.

Read how you can protect your finances against changing rates