As a Plussa customer you are entitled to unique benefits

At least 10% off the price of the insurance policy

You are always entitled to a discount of at least 10% on the price of your insurance policy.

Plussa points

You will earn Plussa points for your insurance premiums. 

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You are also entitled to these insurance benefits

  • Extra benefit for life insurance. You will automatically get a 25% higher claim amount to your life insurance policy. This extra benefit will be confirmed annually.
  • Bonus for active exercisers. You can raise your insurance cover by up to 25% by exercising actively. This exercise-based bonus is only available from Nordea.

Insurance cover throughout life

You can get the Plussa benefits with critical illness insurance, life insurance and permanent disability insurance.

Select the insurance cover that meets your needs and buy the insurance policy conveniently online. Not banking with Nordea yet? Don’t worry – you can also buy insurance policies with the online banking credentials you have from another Finnish bank or with a mobile certificate.

Connect Plussa to a new insurance policy
Connect Plussa to your existing insurance policy
Do you need support?
Insurance provider

Connect your Plussa card to a new insurance policy

Choose the insurance cover that meets your needs and connect your Plussa card to your insurance policy.

  1. Choose the insurance cover that meets your needs – our calculators will help you in choosing the right insurance and claim amounts. Note that you don’t need to be a Nordea customer to take out a policy from us as long as you have online banking credentials from any Finnish bank.
  2. When you’re filling in the insurance application, click ‘Lisää Plussa-kortti’ and enter the number of your personal Plussa card. We will verify the card number from Kesko Corporation.
  3. Enter all other information required to set up the insurance policy, complete the health declaration and confirm that you want to buy the policy.

Connect your Plussa card to your existing insurance policy

Do you already have a personal insurance policy? Enjoy the Plussa benefits by connecting your Plussa card to your insurance policy in our online service.

Follow these easy steps to connect your Plussa card to your insurance policy

  1. Log in to the Insurance self-serviceOpens new window and click your MyLife insurance on the home page.
  2. Select ‘Liitä Plussa-kortti’ under the basic information of your insurance.
  3. Enter the number of your Plussa card and confirm that you want to connect the card by selecting ‘Liitä Plussa-kortti’. 

Good to know about the Plussa benefits and their coming into effect after you have connected your Plussa card to your existing insurance policy

  • Plussa points: You will start to earn Plussa points from your next insurance premium. 
  • Continuous 10% discount for Plussa customers: The price of your insurance policy will be updated when your insurance period changes, meaning that the discount will not necessarily apply to your next insurance premium. The insurance period is a 12-month period (not a calendar year) which is determined based on your insurance policy’s start date. You can check this date from the Insurance self-service or from the insurance policy that we send you once a year.

Note that the 10% Plussa discount can’t be combined with other continuous customer discounts. If you are eligible for several continuous discounts, you will always get the best discount. For example, if you have a home loan from Nordea, you are eligible for a continuous 15% discount on insurance policies. This means that you will earn Plussa points for your insurance premiums after you connect your Plussa card and still get a 15% discount.

Do you have questions about personal insurance and Plussa benefits?

See the frequently asked questions. If you can’t find an answer there, you can contact our Insurance Customer Service or Plussa customer service.

Insurance support

If you have any questions about insurance, please call us on 0200 22320 (local rates apply) Mon–Thu 8.30–16.30 and Fri 10.00–16.30. If you identify yourself with your online banking credentials at the beginning of the call, we will be able to provide you with a more personal service. Please note, that we offer customer service in Finnish and in Swedish.

Plussa support

If you have any Plussa-related questions, please contact the Plussa customer service at new window. You can check your Plussa membership details by logging in to the service.

Insurance provider

You are eligible to apply for Nordea MyLife personal insurance if you are aged 18–63 and reside permanently in Finland. 

The covers against critical illness and permanent disability are issued by Nordea Insurance Finland Ltd (Business ID 2868440-8).  Life insurance, i.e. death cover, is issued by Nordea Life Assurance Finland Ltd (Business ID 0927072-8). Nordea Bank Abp and Kesko Corporation act as both insurance companies’ agents. The well-being benefit add-on is offered by the insurance company that provides the insurance cover: Nordea Life Assurance Finland Ltd or Nordea Insurance Finland Ltd. The Nordea MyLife app is provided in cooperation with Benify AB. 

The detailed criteria for claims and the insurance benefit restrictions related to the different kinds of cover are stated in the insurance terms and conditions and in the product description specifying their meaning. The general limitations on claims are laid down in the Finnish Insurance Contracts Act. The operations of Nordea Life Assurance Finland Ltd and Nordea Insurance Finland Ltd are supervised by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, Taxation may change during the contract period. 

Frequently asked questions about Plussa benefits related to insurance