Your wealth deserves planning

Anyone can be faced with a surprising life situation at any time, but many leave their personal and their family’s legal affairs unattended. This means that when something unexpected happens, they will be caught unprepared. Together we can ensure that your and your family’s finances and wealth are secure – now and in the future. 

You will have a professional and experienced legal counsel to help you

Without the help of a professional, it might be difficult to figure out all matters related to family law and what you should take into consideration in advance. Our legal counsels will help you understand the legal questions concerning your wealth. 

A wealth management legal counsel acts as a financial coach together with your Premium Banker and our other experts. They will focus your and your family’s various needs. 

Our legal counsel will give you a plan and proposals for solutions that are the most suitable for you. We will also help you carry out the actions we propose, if you choose to do so. 

See what a personal Wealth 360 plan includes.

Get assistance in preparing an estate inventory and dividing an inheritance

The loss of a loved one brings with it not only grief but also a lot of practical arrangements. 

As a Premium Customer, you can receive assistance in preparing an estate inventory and an agreement on dividing up the inheritance from a Nordea wealth management legal counsel. You can book a meeting to be held online or in person, or we can help you otherwise. An online meeting with a Nordea wealth management legal counsel and the digital document signing service are a convenient way of preparing the estate inventory regardless of where the parties to the estate are.  

Read more about handling an estate’s banking, preparing an estate inventory and dividing an inheritance.

Wealth 360 plan
See our examples of legal matters related to managing your wealth and various solutions for this

Wealth 360 plan

360Nordea’s wealth management legal counsels are here to help, informing you of the things in your finances that you should sort out straight away. They can also tell you about various solutions that you may have never thought about. 

We will provide you with a tailored Wealth 360 plan that includes concrete steps. Wealth 360 is a long-term plan for growing and protecting your personal and your family’s wealth and for passing it on to the next generation. The plan also takes taxation and other legal aspects into consideration. 

The right time to prepare a plan with a legal counsel is now – not when you face problems. Here’s how to book an appointment for preparing your Wealth 360 plan:

  • Leave a request for contact using our online form
  • Call your Premium Banker or send them a message through Nordea Mobile or Nordea Netbank (Help > Messages), or
  • Call Nordea Customer Service, tel. 0200 70 000 and verify your identity at the beginning of the call.

The price of a Wealth 360 plan is EUR 150 (incl. VAT). The actions that we agree to carry out according to the plan will be invoiced separately.

Legal matters related to managing your wealth and various solutions for this

Our legal counsels will help you understand various legal questions concerning your wealth, making sure that everything goes according to the law and legal documents prepared in advance when you face major changes in life. We can discuss the following topics:

  • securing the management of your finances if your health deteriorates 
  • keeping your wealth within the family in the case of a divorce or death and ensuring the financial well-being of your spouse and children or other loved ones
  • allowing you and your family to continue to service any loans you have in the event of a serious illness or death and preparing for inheritance taxes
  • inheritance planning and wealth transfers in advance.

Here are some of the legal means to achieve these goals 

  • power of attorney for guardianship
  • prenuptial agreement
  • will
  • various insurance solutions 
  • wealth transfers.

Convenient digital banking

Nordea offers you quick and effective professional assistance for handling your personal or your family’s legal affairs. You can get in touch with us online or see us in person at the most suitable time for you.

Our wealth management legal counsels work as a network in the larger cities. You can book an online meeting with one of our lawyers.

You can sign documents online with a digital signature or at one of our branches, or as a combination of both.

Contact us

Contact your Premium Banker to book an appointment with a legal counsel for preparing a Wealth 360 plan. Call Nordea Customer Service, tel. 0200 70 000 (local rates apply), or send a message to your Premium Banker through Nordea Mobile or Nordea Netbank.

If you have any questions about looking after an estate, please call Nordea Customer Service, tel. 0200 70 000 (local rates apply). Select “estate” as the reason you are calling and we will put you through to one of our bereavement specialists.

Nordea Premium Banking

Nordea Premium Banking is the wealth management service for you and your family if you have saved at least 80,000 euros or need a loan amount exceeding 350,000 euros and have good potential to increase your wealth. 

We will charge a fee in accordance with our tariff for the legal counsel service.

Read more about Premium Banking.

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