What are equities and how do they work?

To invest in equities, you need to have a portfolio that is diversified across a number of assets and you need to follow companies and markets regularly.

Read more about equities and equity investments

What are dividends?

What are dividends exactly and how does dividend investing work? How much do companies pay dividend and based on what? And why is dividend investing a good strategy and what should I take into account if I invest in dividend stocks?

Read more about dividends

What does diversification mean and why is it important?

You should spread your assets across a number of investments to manage your risks. A well-diversified portfolio of savings and investments protects you against market fluctuations. Diversification is all the more important if you manage your investments yourself.

Read more about why diversification matters

Equity savings account or book-entry account?

What are the differences between an equity savings account and a book-entry account? You can trade in shares from both accounts, but there are some key differences which you need to consider.

Read a comprehensive summary of the differences between the two accounts

What is an equity savings account?

An equity savings account allows you to trade in the shares of both Finnish and foreign listed companies without having to pay taxes immediately. Open an equity savings account and start equity saving today.

Read more about equity savings account

Mikä on arvo-osuustili?

Arvo-osuustili on tili, jossa säilytetään sähköisiä arvopapereita, kuten esimerkiksi osakkeita tai joukkovelkakirjalainoja. Näiden sähköisten arvo-osuuksien säilyttämistä sekä verkkopankin kaupankäyntipalvelussa tehtävää kaupankäyntiä varten sinun tulee avata arvo-osuustili.

Lue lisää arvo-osuustilistä

How do I get one of Nordea’s free trading services?

Our trading services enable you to manage all your savings and investments and to trade affordably on all the main markets. You can choose a combination of services that best suits your needs.

Read more about our trading services

What additional services does Nordea offer related to trading?

You can link various additional services to your trading service for a fee. Our selection includes real-time prices, additional purchasing power, company analyses and many other services.

Read more about our additional services

What is a SPAC?

A special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) is an alternative way for a company to get its share listed for public trading. Compared to a regular IPO, the listing process is more complex for a SPAC, but they both end with the same result: getting a company’s share listed on a stock exchange.

Read more about SPAC investing

What is an IPO?

An initial public offering (IPO) refers to the process in which a company’s share is accepted on a stock exchange for public trading for the first time. By participating in an IPO, investors can buy the company’s shares before the share is listed.

Read more about IPOs

What are ETFs and how do they work?

Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, trade on stock exchanges just like shares. Read here what ETFs are all about and start investing in them today.

Read more about ETFs

What are index funds and how do they work?

Typically, index funds are passively managed equity funds that track a certain benchmark index. The funds’ buy and sell transactions are triggered automatically based on developments in the benchmark index, to keep the funds’ composition the same as the composition of the benchmark.

Read more about index funds

What is an equity fund?

Equity funds are long-term investments that are suitable for you if you seek a high return and accept the fluctuating returns typical of the stock market. The stock market offers an opportunity for higher returns than the fixed-income market.

Read more about equity funds

Compound interest calculator (savings calculator)

Our calculator helps you plan your savings and find out how your savings could grow during the time period you select. Calculate and see.

Read more and try our savings calculator

Funds or equities?

Should I invest in equities or funds – or both? What are the differences between equities and funds as investments?

Read more about the differences between equities and funds

What should I take into account before I sell investments?

When selling investments, you should consider your reasons for selling. You might want to sell if you need your invested assets for some other use, such as buying a home. There are, however, a few things you should take into account before making the decision to sell.

Read more about what they are

What’s the correlation between investment risks and returns?

How do investment risks and returns hang together? How much return can I expect? How do I know how much risk I’m comfortable taking? Tanja Eronen, Managing Director of Nordea Funds Plc, answers these questions and explains more about risks, returns and investment horizon.

Read more about investment risks and returns

What should I do in times of uncertainty?

Market fluctuations sometimes make investors nervous. It may be difficult for a saver or investor to find out what they should do in volatile markets.

Read more about investing in uncertain times

What is inflation?

We’ve all heard of inflation but what does it actually mean and how can you beat it? On this page, you can learn the basics of inflation, what causes it and what it means for you as a consumer.

Read more about inflation

How do unit-linked insurance policies work?

Unit-linked insurance is particularly well-suited for long-term saving and investment for yourself and for future generations. You can make a larger one-time investment or start flexible monthly saving. You can also switch between instruments under your contract without having to pay any capital gains taxes arising from the switch.

Read more about insurance-based investment products

What are sustainable funds?

We offer three sustainable balanced funds with different asset allocations between fixed-income instruments and equities. Save in funds which have a special focus on sustainability.

Read more about sustainable funds

How do I become your customer and start saving?

Becoming our customer and starting saving has never been quicker or easier. It only takes a few minutes online – and doesn’t require a visit to a Nordea branch.

Read more and become our customer

What do all the saving and investment terms mean?

Understanding the language used around saving and investing may sometimes be difficult. But worry no more – we have put together a glossary to help guide you through the most common terms.

Read more about our glossary of savings terms and learn the lingo

Do you need help with drawing up your saving plan?

Whether you want to grow your wealth and prepare for the future, save for your dreams or start saving for your child, we are here to help you. Book a free meeting with us to get investment advice and prepare a personal plan for saving.

Read more and book a meeting