This accessibility statement applies to Nordea Trade Portal. The service is subject to Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services requiring digital services to meet accessibility requirements. This accessibility statement has been published on 15.12.2020. The accessibility of the service has been assessed by Nordea itself.
Accessibility statement for Nordea Trade Portal
Accessibility status of the digital service
The Nordea Trade Portal meets partially the accessibility requirements.
Inaccessible content of the digital service
The service is not yet fully compliant in the following identified areas.
1.1.1 Non-text content (A), Provide text alternatives for non-text content:
- The alternative texts are missing for some images and a few images only use the image name as alternative text.
1.2.2 Captions (Pre-recorded) (A), Provide captions for videos with audio:
- There are no captions for the published videos.
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Pre-recorded) (A), Video with audio has a second alternative:
- There is no alternative to the available video content.
1.2.5 Audio Description (Pre-recorded) (AA), Users have access to audio description for video content:
- There is no audio description to the video available which would make it difficult for users who are blind and visually impaired to access the visual information in the synchronized media.
1.3.1 Info and relationships (A), Logical structure:
- Information and Relationships between elements cannot be determined clearly for people using assistive technologies.
1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (AA), Each input field must be able to be determined programmatically, a user should be able for example to autofill inputs:
- The value of assistive tags is turned off and the browser will not be able to identify the purpose of the fields.
1.4.1 Use of Colour (A), Don’t use presentation that relies solely on colour:
- Powered by link is not distinguishable, it relies solely on colour and is used on every page in the footer section.
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (AA), Contrast ratio between text and background is at least 4.5:1:
- The contrast ratio for next page links does not meet the required 4.5:1 limit.
1.4.4 Resize Text (AA), Text can be resized to 200% without loss of content or function:
- Resizing text could lead to some menu items becoming unavailable.
1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (AA), Elements that are being shown on focus or hover (skip navigation, tooltip) should be dismissible(Esc), hoverable, persistent:
- Tooltips disappear when the focus is moved inside them, this would make it difficult for screen readers to read the information in the tool tip if it loses focus.
2.1.1 Keyboard (A), Accessible by keyboard only:
- Trade Portal cannot be accessed by keyboard alone.
2.2.1 Timing adjustable (A), Time limits have user controls:
- There is no warning provided before the session times out.
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A), Provide a ‘Skip to Content’ link:
- Users must navigate through the header and footer of each page to reach the primary content.
2.4.3 Focus Order (A), Logical order:
- It is not possible to use tab to access all logical sequential content when filling out forms.
2.4.7 Focus Visible (AA), Ensure keyboard focus is visible and clear:
- Keyboard focus indicator is not visible on navigating through the page.
3.1.1 Language of Page (A), Page has a language assigned:
- The web pages do not have language assigned.
3.3.1 Error Identification (AA), Clearly identify input errors:
- The page contains an error container but it does not contain an ARIA attribute that will make sure all assistive technologies can read the error message after more than one invalid submission.
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (AA), Label elements and give instructions:
- Some fields are missing a label or clear instructions.
4.1.1 Parsing (A), No major code errors:
- Element ID is not unique for many elements.
4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A), Build all elements for accessibility:
- Labels and roles are missing for some interface components.
4.1.3 Status Messages (A), Content that is updated dynamically must be notified to users of assistive technologies without getting visual focus:
- No status messages are implemented for users using assistive technologies..
Accessibility feedback
Did you find accessibility difficulties in our digital services? If you did not find an answer in our accessibility statement regarding the service, please send us feedback.
Supervisory authority
If you notice accessibility issues with the site, first provide feedback to us, the site administrator. The response can take 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received or do not receive a reply at all within two weeks, you can report it to the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom. The website of the Traficom explains in detail how the notification can be made and how the matter is handled.
Contact details of the supervisory authority
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000
www.webaccessibility.fiOpens new window