Useful features when you invest in equities
Find investments
You can search for investments under ‘Equities’. Use filters to narrow down your search results to shares traded on a specific stock exchange, for example.
Capital gains and losses
To view the gains and losses on a portfolio, select the relevant portfolio. You can then see the gains and losses as well as the details of the account and the allocation of investments on the right-hand side of the page.
Real-time prices in the Nordic countries
Nordic prices will be shown in real time if you have signed up for our trading services.
Under ‘Savings and Investments’ you can browse to your dividends and see how much dividend you have received each year.
Market overviews and research
You can find a market overview on the right-hand side of the ‘Savings and Investments’ section. You can also view equity recommendations from Nordea’s analysts under ‘Savings and Investments’ by selecting ‘Find investments’ and ‘Analyst recommendation’. You can filter the recommendations using various criteria. If you don’t have additional trading services yet, you can set them up on the same page.
You can find IPOs under ‘Savings and Investments’ by selecting ‘Find investments’ and ‘IPOs’. Please note that the button is active only when there are initial public offerings going on.
Participating in corporate actions
You can participate in domestic corporate actions, such as rights issues (also secondary issues) and tender offers in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. You can find corporate actions under ‘Savings and Investments’ by selecting ‘Company events’. On the list you can see the corporate actions that affect your holdings or holdings that you have access to.
Cash flow estimate
If you trade in equities, you can find a cash flow estimate under ‘Savings and Investments’ at the bottom of the page.
Trigger (Stop) equity orders
Trigger orders are also known as Stop orders. You can set a trigger level for your order (active price) and a limit price. If the share price reaches the trigger level you have set, the order will be sent to the market with the limit price set. You can place trigger orders for Nordic shares.
Credit transfers to and from an equity savings account
You can conveniently make credit transfers to and from your equity savings account in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. You can make a credit transfer – a deposit or withdrawal – under ‘Savings and Investments’. Select ‘Accounts overview’, your equity savings account and then either ‘Make a transfer’ or ‘Withdraw money from the account’. If you only want to make a deposit, select ‘Transfer’ in Nordea Mobile or ‘Own transfer’ in Netbank.