1. Focus on future winners
We believe that sustainable companies will be the winners in the future. Thus the Stars Funds can be considered long-term investments in companies that are expected to utilise their strong growth potential.
2. Positive approach
The Stars Funds aim to actively find companies that operate sustainably and manage their risks. The focus is not on exclusion of other companies from the investments.
3. In-depth analysis of sustainability
In the Stars Funds, an in-depth ESG analysis is made for all possible investment alternatives in which factors related to environmental protection, human rights, labour standards and business ethics are perused more deeply than usual.
4. A unique classification system
After the ESG analysis, the potential investment alternatives are given a classification that will be used in the final selection of the investment alternatives for the Stars Funds, in addition to a financial analysis.
5. Continuous evaluation and dialogue with the companies
We ensure that the Stars Funds, true to their name, operate by constantly evaluating the information obtained from the ESG analyses and engaging in dialogues with the investment alternative companies regularly. At Nordea, a team of experts manages both tasks.