About Star Funds

Based on our internal analysis, Nordea's Star Funds invest in selected companies which: 

  • have effective risk management 
  • take the risks and opportunities related to the environment, human rights, working conditions and business ethics into account in their operations in an excellent manner.

Sustainable companies consider these factors in their operations in a clear and transparent manner, so in our view there are fewer risks involved in them compared to other companies. This again lays a solid ground for good long-term returns.

Future winners are sustainable

When companies tend to their obligations related to the environment, society and governance in an excellent manner and take them actively into account in their daily operations, we believe that the risks involved in these companies are lower compared to their competitors.

Using sustainable criteria, we select those companies for the Stars Funds with which we can generate stable and sustainable returns in the long term.

Thus, the Stars Funds only accept the most sustainable companies and those that have the most long-term development potential as their investment alternatives.

Miksi sijoittaa Tähtirahastoihin? (only in Finnish)

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On monta hyvää syytä sijoittaa Tähtirahastoihin. Onko joku niistä tärkeä myös sinulle? Tähtirahastojen sijoituksissa kestävämpi kehitys yhdistyy hyvään tuottotavoitteeseen. Kaikissa Tähdissä on sama sijoitusperiaate, mutta sijoitusten kohteet vaihtelevat rahastoittain. Tähtirahastot sijoittavat vain yhtiöihin, jotka suhtautuvat ympäristöön, yhteiskuntaan ja hallintoon liittyviin ESG-asioihin vastuullisesti ja ovat valmiita kehittämään niitä edelleen. Me Nordean rahastoissa uskomme, että tulevaisuuden voittajia ovat yritykset, jotka huomioivat ESG-asiat sekä päivittäisessä liiketoiminnassa että strategiassaan. Arvioimme kaikkien Tähtirahastoihin kuuluvien sijoitusten ESG-asioita säännöllisesti ja käymme aktiivista vuoropuhelua yritysten kanssa varmistaaksemme, että ne kantavat vastuunsa, korjaavat tarvittaessa toimintaansa ja kehittävät osa-alueita, joissa parantamisen varaa vielä näemme.

Five characteristics of the Stars Funds

1. Focus on future winners

We believe that sustainable companies will be the winners in the future. Thus the Stars Funds can be considered long-term investments in companies that are expected to utilise their strong growth potential.

2. Positive approach

The Stars Funds aim to actively find companies that operate sustainably and manage their risks. The focus is not on exclusion of other companies from the investments.

3. In-depth analysis of sustainability

In the Stars Funds, an in-depth ESG analysis is made for all possible investment alternatives in which factors related to environmental protection, human rights, labour standards and business ethics are perused more deeply than usual.

4. A unique classification system

After the ESG analysis, the potential investment alternatives are given a classification that will be used in the final selection of the investment alternatives for the Stars Funds, in addition to a financial analysis.

5. Continuous evaluation and dialogue with the companies

We ensure that the Stars Funds, true to their name, operate by constantly evaluating the information obtained from the ESG analyses and engaging in dialogues with the investment alternative companies regularly. At Nordea, a team of experts manages both tasks.

Nordea Global Stars Fund
Nordea Emerging Stars Fund
Nordea Nordic Stars Fund
Nordea European Stars Fund
Nordea North American Stars Fund
Nordea Asian Stars Fund
Nordea Innovation Stars
Nordea Finnish Stars

Nordea Global Stars Fund

Nordea Global Stars invests globally in the equity markets. The fund belongs to Nordea’s Stars Funds. The equity selection for these funds is based on both a financial analysis and the extent to which companies manage the risks and potential related to the environment, society and governance. Only companies that master the issues related to these in proactive and structural terms and that are also attractive from the financial point of view are investment alternatives that suit this fund.

The fund has holdings in about 60 companies. The number may vary.

For further information, please see the Funds Now service.

Nordea Emerging Stars Fund

Nordea Emerging Stars invests in the equity markets of emerging countries. The fund belongs to Nordea’s Stars Funds. The equity selection for these funds is based on both a financial analysis and the extent to which companies manage the risks and opportunities related to the environment, society and governance. Only companies that master the issues related to these in proactive and structural terms and that are also attractive from the financial point of view are investment alternatives that suit this fund.

The fund has holdings in about 50 companies. The number may vary.

For further information, please see the Funds Now service.

Nordea Nordic Stars Fund

Nordea Nordic Stars invests globally in the Nordic equity markets. The fund belongs to Nordea’s Stars Funds. The equity selection for these funds is based on both a financial analysis and the extent to which companies manage the risks and opportunities related to the environment, society and governance. Only companies that master the issues related to these in proactive and structural terms and that are also attractive from the financial point of view are investment alternatives that suit this fund.

The fund has holdings in about 50 companies.

For further information, please see the Funds Now service.

Nordea European Stars Fund

Nordea European Stars invests globally in the European equity markets. The fund belongs to Nordea’s Stars Funds. The equity selection for these funds is based on both a financial analysis and the extent to which companies manage the risks and potential related to the environment, society and governance. Only companies that master the issues related to these in proactive and structural terms and that are also attractive from the financial point of view are investment alternatives that suit this fund.

The fund has holdings in about 40 companies.

For further information, please see the Funds Now service.

Nordea North American Stars

Nordea North American Stars invests in the North American equity markets. The fund belongs to Nordea’s Stars Funds. The equity selection for these funds is based on both a financial analysis and the extent to which companies manage the risks and potential related to the environment, society and governance. Only companies that master the issues related to these in proactive and structural terms and that are also attractive from the financial point of view are investment alternatives that suit this fund.

The fund has holdings in about 40 companies.

For further information, please see the Funds Now service.

Nordea Asian Stars

Nordea Asian Stars invests in the equity markets of Asian countries (excl. Japan). The fund belongs to Nordea’s Stars Funds. The equity selection for these funds is based on both a financial analysis and the extent to which companies manage the risks and opportunities related to the environment, society and governance. Only companies that master the issues related to these in proactive and structural terms and that are also attractive from the financial point of view are investment alternatives that suit this fund.

The fund has holdings in about 50 companies. The number may vary.

For further information, please see the Funds Now servicea.

Nordea Innovation Stars

Our new Nordea Innovation Stars Fund searches for innovations and new replicable business ideas. The latest addition to our Stars Funds seeks to invest in companies that are still in their early growth stages. Early investments increase the potential to benefit from the companies’ performance during the investment period, which spans across several years. Read more about the fund in our Funds Now service.

Nordea Finnish Stars

Nordea Finnish Stars Fund is the product of tremendous efforts by portfolio managers and analysts. Each investment decision is supported by a large mass of financial data, countless meetings with companies and stakeholders as well as continuous re-evaluation and questioning of conclusions. This approach just earned the fund a ranking as the best equity fund in Finland.

The investment strategy of the Finnish Stars Fund involves an investment horizon of 3 to 5 years based on in-depth corporate analyses. The fund differs significantly from the OMX Helsinki general index, and its objective is to outperform its benchmark index on a period of 3 to 5 years. Morningstar ranks the fund with four stars. It is managed by a Nordic portfolio management team with solid experience of the Finnish stock market. The fund’s portfolio managers are Marie Karlsson and Matias Rundgren.

Nordea Finnish Stars Fund is managed by Nordea Funds Ltd. Read more about the fund in our Funds Now service or in our Nordea Funds article (in Finnish)Opens new window.

Star funds

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