Partner funds at your disposal

In addition to working with eight international asset managers, Nordea has partners specialised in high-quality forest funds and real estate funds to offer you a wide selection of funds in Netbank. There you can also find hundreds of funds managed by Nordic fund companies.

Investment in forestry

What are the benefits of forestry investment?

There are many reasons to invest in forests. Investing in forestry can be seen as having purely environmental benefits, as forests play an increasingly important role in stopping climate change and capturing carbon. Forests are needed for carbon capture services, which open up new opportunities to profit from forest ownership.

Investing in forests is also beneficial from a more traditional investment perspective. Forestry investments are a good way to diversify your portfolio and can often help balance the risk and return in your portfolio. The returns on forestry investments have also beaten inflation in the long term, offering investors protection against inflation. 

What determines the investment return from a forest?

A major portion of the return on a forestry investment is linked to tree growth. The good thing is that trees always grow regardless of the economic cycle. As trees grow, they become more valuable, which helps mitigate any decreases in the value of the forest plot when the economy is in a downswing. When the economy is up again, the trees on your plot have become more valuable and you have more of them to sell.

Risks related to forestry investment

There are also a range of risks with forestry investments. Direct ownership of forestry requires commitment and knowledge, as well as patience with the investment returns. You should be prepared for risks such as pests and storms. Forestry is also an illiquid investment by nature, which means it can take a long time for you to get your money out.

Forest funds are a hassle-free way to invest in forestry

By investing in a forest fund, you can just let the fund managers deal with the risks. Nordea customers now have the opportunity to invest in a well-diversified and professionally managed fund, which invests in European forest assets.

Forest fund offers stable returns even in a zero-rate environment

Many Finns are familiar with forest investments, which are a good option for both equity-oriented and low-risk portfolios for diversification purposes. But owning and taking care of a plot of forest yourself may seem daunting

Lake in Nordic forest - small

Invest in forest through Dasos

  • Through our collaboration with Dasos, Nordea customers can now easily invest in a well-diversified, professionally managed fund, which invests in European forest assets
  • Established in 2005, Dasos is a Finnish investment advisor to private equity funds investing in sustainable forests and natural capital, including land, biodiversity and water. Dasos is the largest manager of forest assets in Europe
  • You can place daily subscription orders in the fund in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. The minimum investment is 5,000 euros. The subscription orders are executed four times a year, five banking days before the end of each quarter. The cut-off time for subscription orders is at 7.00 in the morning
  • Redemption is possible twice a year with delay mentioned in fund rules

Diversify your portfolio with a Nordic real estate fund

Homes are a popular investment in Finland because of the stable returns they offer. However, real estate portfolios are typically not well-diversified and lack investments in other types of properties, which generate higher returns than residential properties

Buildings Copenhagen SMALL

CapMan’s Nordic Property Income Fund

  • Nordea customers can now invest in CapMan’s Nordic Property Income Fund, which gives investors easy access to the Nordic real estate market
  • The fund’s strategy is to invest in properties, which are located in growing cities across the Nordics and generate a steady stream of rental income. These properties include professionally managed business premises and commercial properties, such as office buildings, logistics sites and production facilities
  • You can place daily subscription orders in the fund in Nordea Mobile and Netbank. The minimum investment is 5,000 euros. The subscription orders are executed four times a year on the final banking day of each quarter. The cut-off time for subscription orders is at 7.00 in the morning
  • Redemption is possible twice a year with delay mentioned in fund rules

Invest in water, climate or urbanisation

  • Nordea has partnered up with eight international asset managers whose funds are widely available through both our asset management and digital channels
  • Our partners include BlackRock, JP Morgan, Robeco, Wellington, Schroders, Man Group, T. Rowe Price and PGIM
  • The latest addition, Robeco, has been ranked the most sustainable asset manager in Europe

Wide selection of funds in Netbank

  • Nordea Mobile and Netbank offer a wide variety of funds managed by our Nordic peers. There are hundreds of external funds available
  • from Evli, UB, Swedbank Robur, Carnegie, SEB and many others.

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