- How do I start investing in equities?
You can start investing in equities by opening an equity savings account or a book-entry account.
Read more about differences between an equity savings account and a book-entry account.
To open an equity savings accountOpens new window, go to the Services tab in Nordea Mobile or Netbank and select “Savings and investments”. Then select “Equity savings account”.
To open a book-entry account, go to Nordea InvestorOpens new window.
After opening the service, you can trade in equities through Nordea Mobile and Netbank, as well as in Nordea InvestorOpens new window.
In Nordea’s online services, you can trade in more than 2,500 different stocks and 20 marketplaces across Europe and North America. We’ve also made it easy for you to track your investments and the markets.
Read more about our trading services.
- Where do I find missing acquisition prices for equities and how do I add them?
You can edit missing or incorrect acquisition prices for equities in Nordea Mobile and Netbank on the “Savings and Investments” tab. You can change acquisition prices by selecting your book-entry account and then the equity in question. Under “Profit and loss details”, you will find an edit button. Click it to change the acquisition price.
You may find that the acquisition price for an equity is missing if the equity has been subject to a corporate action or it has been transferred to a book-entry account as a gift or inheritance, for example. The acquisition prices will also be missing if the entire book-entry account, including the equities, has been transferred from Nordea to another bank or vice versa.
Before transferring equities to Nordea from another bank, it’s important that you find out the acquisition price for these equities from the other bank, as the equities will arrive in your book-entry account with Nordea as one acquisition lot without an acquisition price. You can enter the missing acquisition price for the acquisition lot yourself (the average of the acquisition prices for the equities to be transferred). It is your responsibility as the customer to find out the missing acquisition price. Companies often have information about corporate actions on their respective websites. For more information about tax decisions, please visit the Finnish Tax Administration’s website at www.vero.fi.
You can see all transactions executed on Nordea’s trading platform in Netbank under “Savings and Investments”. Select a book-entry account to view its details and select individual equities to see their acquisition price. Under “Profit and loss details”, you can see the acquisition prices of the equities you have sold.
Please note that Nordea assumes no responsibility for the acquisition prices edited or added by its customers. The edited prices will not be forwarded to the Tax Administration or included in Nordea’s documents.
- How do I open or close a book-entry account?
You can open a book-entry account easily in Nordea InvestorOpens new window.
After opening the service, you can trade in equities through Nordea Mobile and Netbank, as well as in Nordea InvestorOpens new window.
In Nordea’s online services, you can trade in more than 2,500 different stocks and 20 marketplaces across Europe and North America. We’ve also made it easy for you to monitor your assets and the markets.
Read more about our trading services
You can close a book-entry account by calling Nordea Customer Service.
- How do I open an equity savings account?
You can open an equity savings account easily in Nordea Mobile or Netbank. Go to the Services tab and select “Savings and investments”. Then select “Equity savings account” and “Open equity savings account”. Please note that you are allowed to have only one equity savings account at a time. This means that you are allowed to open an equity savings account with only one bank.
Open equity savings account
Opens new window
- How do I transfer a book-entry account or equity savings account to Nordea?
To transfer a book-entry account or equity savings account to Nordea, please call our Customer Service 0200 70 000 (local rates apply)Opens new window
- Where can I see the number of my book-entry account?
You can find the number of your book-entry account on the Savings and investments tab in NetbankOpens new window, under Investment accounts.
In Nordea’s services, the book-entry account number is shown as a string of 14 or 15 digits. If you need the official 35-character long account number, you can find it by selecting your book-entry account and copying the account number under the account details.
However, if you have to provide the official number somewhere, you have to convert it to 19 digits first. You can do this by adding the required number of zeroes after “02 2000” shown at the beginning of the number. After this, you should add the identifier for the central securities depository, which is APKE, and 12 zeroes in front of the 19-digit number to create the official 35-character long account number.
Example of how to convert a book-entry account number:
Nordea book-entry account number: 02 2000 (00000) 123 45678
New number: APKE 000 000 000 000 02 2000 00000 123 45678
- How do I transfer money to or from my equity savings account?
To transfer money to or from your equity savings account, log in to Nordea Mobile or Netbank and select ‘Savings and investments’. Select your equity savings account and then either a deposit or withdrawal.
- How can I place a request to add an equity to your selection?
If you are interested in a security that you cannot currently trade in through Nordea, you can ask for it to be added to our selection by sending a message to us through Nordea Omaposti. Remember to add the name and ISIN code of the security to your message so that we can identify it. If it is possible for us to add the security to our selection, we will usually do so within two banking days after we have processed your request.
- What equities should I invest in?
Investing in equities in general and making informed stock picks requires you to follow the markets closely and read the companies’ financial statements.
If you invest in equities, the first thing you will have to do is choose which company’s shares you want to buy. When picking the shares in which to invest, you should carefully consider your investment options.
Examples of potential investment criteria include a strong dividend history, good growth plans and promising growth potential, skilled management, the impact of megatrends on the business, and the company’s key figures. But there are also many other factors that may come into play when picking which shares to buy.
If investing in equities feels cumbersome and time-consuming, we will be happy to help you find the right investments. In order to do this, we recommend that you prepare an investment plan. The aim of this plan is to find the best way for you to reach your investment goals and enable you to grow your wealth over the long term. You can book an appointment for a free-of-charge investment advice meeting from the bottom right corner of this page.