Accessibility Statement for Nordea Mobile FI

This accessibility statement applies to Nordea Mobile in Finland. It is subject to the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services, which requires digital banking services to meet accessibility requirements. This statement was originally published on 30th June 2021 and updated on 7th May 2024.

The accessibility of this service has been evaluated by a third party specializing in accessibility. The service has been tested on multiple devices using various manual testing methods, including testing that it is keyboard compatible and that it works with a screen reader. Furthermore, the accessibility is monitored using an automated assessment tool.

Accessibility of the digital service

This service is partially compliant with the accessibility requirements. The identified shortcomings are planned to be fixed by 31th December 2024. The statement will be updated annually.

Inaccessible content of the digital service

The service is not yet fully compliant in the following identified areas:


WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A) 

  • Not all decorative images and icons are marked as decorative.
  • Not all informative images and visual presentations of data have alternative text.
  • Some interactive graphical elements are missing alternative texts.

WCAG 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A) 

  • Some of the headers and headings are missing, not marked, or are marked incorrectly. 
  • Sometimes the heading structure is not visibly perceivable.
  • Not all relationships between items are clear to screen reader users.
  • Sometimes important information related to links is provided after the link so may be missed by screen reader users.
  • Negative balances are read as positive by some screen readers.
  • Sometimes in forms important information is provided after the submit button.

WCAG 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A)

  • Visual order does not match keyboard or screen reader order in some parts of the service.
  • Sometimes important information relevant to a form is provided after the submit button.

WCAG 1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A) 

  • In some places, colour is the only way that information is conveyed to the user.

WCAG 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA) 

  • Some text does not have sufficient colour contrast against the background.

WCAG 1.4.4 Resize Text (Level AA)

  • Some sections of text do not resize when a user changes the default font size.

WCAG 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA)

  • Insufficient contrast between some non-text elements, such as graphs and diagrams, and their background.

WCAG 1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA)

  • Some content is cut off or overflows when text is resized.
  • Line spacing in some parts of the content does not adjust when text is resized.


WCAG 2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A) 

  • Some interactive elements are not operable with a keyboard.

WCAG 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)

  • The content card carousel traps keyboard focus.
  • Some modals are not dismissable because of keyboard trap.

WCAG 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (Level A)

  • It is unclear how to remain logged in once the inactivity alert shows.
  • Screen reader activity does not count towards the timer used to track inactivity, leading to inactivity warnings showing every 5 minutes when using a screen reader.

WCAG 2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A)

  • Keyboard focus is often lost or inconsistent when performing changing pages.
  • Keyboard focus is often lost or inconsistent when performing actions such as opening and closing modal dialog elements.
  • Keyboard tab order does not always follow the visual order in some parts of the service.

WCAG 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)

  • It is not possible to tell the purpose of all links from their link text or surrounding context.

WCAG 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) (Level AA)

  • Some elements on a page obscure the focus of other elements.

WCAG 2.5.1 Dragging Movements (Level AA)

  • Some elements rely on dragging movements and do not have another method of input to perform the same action.


WCAG 3.2.2 On Input (Level A)

  • Sometimes the focus changes when a user edits and input.

WCAG 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA)

  • Navigation is inconsistent between different views.
  • Navigational gestures and keyboard shortcuts do not work consistently.
  • Performing certain actions redirects back to the main view instead of the previous view in history.

WCAG 3.2.4 Consistent Identification (Level AA)

  • Interactive elements are not consistently identified between different views.

WCAG 3.3.1 Error Identification (Level A)

  • Error messages in some forms are not programmatically linked to their input fields and are not identified as errors by assistive technologies.

WCAG 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A)

  • Some form input fields are missing labels.
  • Some form input fields have visible labels that are not programmatically linked so a screen reader would not read out the label associated with the input field.
  • The purpose of some form elements is not clear.


WCAG 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)

  • Some elements use incorrect roles and attributes which make things unclear for screen reader users.
  • Some content is read out twice when using a screen reader.
  • Some interactive elements are not operable with a screen reader due to incorrect markup.
  • Table elements are used incorrectly to mark up some content.

WCAG 4.1.3 Status Messages (Level AA)  

  • Status messages are not clearly announced to screen reader users.


The service may contain many partially inaccessible PDF documents. The documents can contain images without alternative text, have missing tags so they don’t work correctly with screen readers, have incorrect reading order as well as unclear link text. Nordea is currently working on correcting these documents.

Accessibility feedback

Did you notice any gaps in the accessibility of our digital services? If you did not find a solution to your problem in the accessibility statements, please give us feedback. 

Give accessibility feedback 

Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility issues with the site, first provide feedback to us, the site administrator. The response can take 14 days. If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received or do not receive a reply at all within two weeks, you can report it to the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland. The website of the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland explains in detail how the notification can be made and how the matter is handled.  

Contact information of the supervisory authority 

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland 

Accessibility Monitoring Unit
Tel. 0295 016 000 (switchboard)

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