More about InvestmentNotes

InvestmentNotes suit investors who are seeking to diversify their portfolios. Their return depends on the performance of one or several markets or individual assets. These may include equities, bonds or currencies, among others. Each note is named based on the market its return is dependent on, so for instance it may be called an equity-linked note or a credit-linked note.

There are a number of different InvestmentNotes with different features, such as the maximum yield or maximum loss. Some of them can earn you a return when the market rises, while others can do the same when the market remains flat. Some may also offer combinations of these features.

InvestmentNotes are customised to match a certain market view and risk profile. It is therefore important that you investigate carefully how each note works and what the risks involved are.

When you invest in an InvestmentNote, you will take a risk of losing your invested capital. Both the risk and return depend on the performance of the underlying assets and on the structure of each individual note. The marketing material of each note describes the underlying market, the note structure and the risks and costs related to the note.

Further information

Nordea Bank Abp’s bond programme

The investment bonds are issued under Nordea Bank Abp’s bond programme. When you invest in a bond issued by Nordea, you accept the risk related to Nordea’s repayment ability. Detailed information about investment bonds is available in their terms and conditions and prospectuses. You can find all our prospectuses at new window


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