Legal services for Premium Customers

We offer selected legal services for our Premium Customers in connection with their Wealth 360 plan or as separate assignments.

The service fee is agreed in the assignment agreement based on either a fixed price or the time spent. 

In addition to drafting a document, an assignment may involve advisory services and investigations that are necessary in order to complete the assignment. If the investigations or documents related to an assignment involve much more work than normal, we will agree on taking the time spent on the assignment into account in the price separately with the customer.  

A legal service package may include drafting or updating the following documents: a prenuptial agreement (incl. registration), a will, a reciprocal will, a continuing power of attorney or a deed of gift. The drafting of documents included in a legal service package must be agreed within three months from the completion of the Wealth 360 plan.

In addition to the service fee, we will charge any costs charged by the authorities and any other costs arising from completing the assignment.


An assignment for drafting or updating a document can be initiated in connection with making a Wealth 360 plan for the prices set in the tariff below.

Legal service packages (Price incl. VAT)
Wealth 360 plan, no documents
EUR 160.00
Wealth 360 plan + 1 document
EUR 440.00
Wealth 360 plan + 2 documents
EUR 620.00
Wealth 360 plan + 3 documents
EUR 800.00
Wealth 360 plan + 4 documents
EUR 930.00
Wealth 360 plan + 5 documents
EUR 1,070.00
Wealth 360 plan + 6 documents
EUR 1,190.00

An assignment for drafting or updating an individual document can also be initiated without making a Wealth 360 plan for the prices set in the tariff below.

Single assignment, fixed price (Price incl. VAT)
Prenuptial agreement and registration
EUR 310.00
Continuing power of attorney
EUR 310.00
Two continuing powers of attorney (for spouses)
EUR 460.00
EUR 310.00
Reciprocal willEUR 510.00
Deed of gift for a real estate, shares in a housing company or other movable propertyEUR 310.00
Single assignment, based on the time spent (Price incl. VAT)
Deed of sale in connection with estate planning (a real estate, shares in a housing company or other movable property)EUR 220.00 per hour 
Estate inventoryEUR 220.00 per hour 
Distribution of matrimonial property (for estate distribution) and/or estate distribution agreementEUR 220.00 per hour 
Other assignmentEUR 220.00 per hour