Nordea Insurance Finland Ltd grants different types of insurance cover for Nordea personal insurance policies.
Nordea Insurance Finland Ltd grants critical illness cover, unemployment and temporary disability cover, cover for death or permanent disability caused by an accident, permanent disability cover and health cover. Nordea Life Assurance Finland Ltd represents Nordea Insurance Finland Ltd. The agents of the insurance companies are Nordea Bank Abp and Kesko Corporation.
Company information
Nordea Insurance Finland Ltd.
Aleksis Kiven katu 9, 00020 Nordea. Domicile Helsinki.
Business ID: 2868440-8
VAT number: FI28684408
Phone: +358 200 70 000
Insurance activities are supervised by Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, Snelmanninkatu 6, PL 103, 00101 Helsinki, phone 09 183 51.