Cashback service
As a Nordea customer, you are now able to withdraw cash from your account in connection with your card purchases with Nordea Debit card as well as with MasterCard combination cards that carry the debit feature.
- The maximum amount of a cashback withdrawal is 400 euros. However, the merchant may set a lower maximum amount for the withdrawals.
- Cashback is only allowed at store checkouts in Finland and you must pay the purchases with your card's debit feature.
- The cashier makes an authorisation check for the transaction, including a check to confirm that the cashback is within the daily withdrawal limit of your card. Note! With Nordea Debit card the purchase must also be within the security limit set for payments. The cashback is accepted with the PIN.
- A single debit including the cashback is made to your account. However, on your account statement the cashback is shown separately from the purchase (Cashback EUR xxx). The cashback is also shown on the receipt you get from the store.
- Any purchases made using the debit feature of a card are always debited to the bank account linked to the card. Cashback is a service offered by the merchant and the merchant is responsible for ensuring the availability of the service. The merchant is entitled to charge a fee for the service and determine its more detailed terms and conditions. As the issuer of the card, the bank may also set a maximum limit for the cashback, which can be changed for security purposes, if necessary.