Forms and minutes


Nordea Bank Abp does not usually require that limited liability companies deliver the minutes of a board meeting when the company draws down a loan or gives a pledge for the security of its own loan. 

Templates for minutes of board meeting of limited liability company
Templates for minutesAttachment
Decision to raise a loanDecision to raise a loan pdfOpens new window
Special pledge for third party liabilitySpecial pledge for third party liability pdfOpens new window
General pledge for third party liabilityGeneral pledge for third party liability pdfOpens new window
Special pledge for own liabilitiesSpecial pledge for own liabilities pdfOpens new window
General pledge for own liabilitiesGeneral pledge for own liabilities pdfOpens new window

These phrases are approved by the bank to be used in the minutes of housing companies

How to use the phrases
Choosing a property manager
Opening an account
Access rights to the accounts and payment services
Taking an overdraft facility
Taking a housing company loan
Taking a euro loan
Including interest rate hedging
Providing collateral
Applying for mortgages

These phrases are approved by the bank to be used in the minutes. You can use the relevant phrase as required. These phrases can be used in the minutes of your housing company exactly as they are presented here. In every paragraph, information is given on whether a decision of the board or a general meeting is required. 

Please keep in mind that the opening of the meeting, confirmation of the quorum and validity of the meeting and closing of the meeting must be recorded in the minutes to be delivered to the bank and in the extract from the minutes. They must also be signed. If the original minutes or a signed original extract from the minutes are not delivered to the bank, the copy must be certified. If the general meeting authorises the board to decide on matters related to financing, the bank also needs the minutes of the board meeting.

A decision was made to choose (name and Business ID) as the new real estate management company as of dd/mm/yy and (name and personal identity number) as the principal property manager. The administrative property manager (stated, if chosen) is (name and personal identity number). The property management agreement with XXX (name and Business ID of the real estate management company) ends on dd/mm/yy.  

A decision of the board is required.

The property manager (name and personal identity number) was authorised to agree on opening a payment account and banking services for the company in Nordea Bank Abp and to submit to the bank the due diligence information on the housing company.

A decision of the board is required.

The real estate management company/accounting firm (name and Business ID) and the property manager (name and personal identity number) were authorised to use the account/accounts No. (IBAN) and to submit to the bank the due diligence information on the housing company. The property manager (name and personal identity number) was authorised as of this date to agree with Nordea Bank Abp on the necessary payment services and to sign the related powers of attorney and/or agreements before the above-mentioned property management agreement enters into force. The property manager (name and personal identity number) was authorised to terminate the previous access rights to the above-mentioned accounts and to agree with the bank on the termination of the payment services agreements.

The Nordea Business agreement includes a power of attorney for appointing an administrator. According to the power of attorney, the administrator has, among others, an extensive right to authorise other persons to use Nordea Business, the company's accounts and other services in Nordea Business. (Name and personal identity number) was appointed as the administrator.  

A decision of the board is required.

A decision was made to take an overdraft facility of XXX euros in Nordea Bank Abp linked to the account No. XXX in accordance with the bank’s general terms and conditions for overdraft facilities and accounts.  The board and/or the property manager were/was authorised to agree on the credit terms and conditions, to sign the account and credit agreements and to submit to the bank the due diligence information on the housing company. 

A decision of the general meeting is required.

A decision was made to take a housing company loan of XXX euros for the purpose of XXX from Nordea Bank Abp in accordance with the bank’s general terms and conditions for credits. A housing company loan includes an overdraft facility (renovation account) which will be converted into a loan of a certain amount on the agreed date (renovation loan). The board and/or the property manager were/was authorised to agree on the credit terms and conditions, to sign the account and credit agreements and to submit to the bank the due diligence information on the housing company.

A decision of the general meeting is required.

A decision was made to take a euro loan of XXX euros for the purpose of XXX from Nordea Bank Abp in accordance with the bank’s general terms and conditions for credits. The board and/or the property manager were/was authorised to agree on the credit terms and conditions, to sign the credit agreement and to submit to the bank the due diligence information on the housing company.

A decision of the general meeting is required.

The board was authorised to decide at its discretion on including interest rate hedging in the loan of not more than XXX euros to be taken.

A decision of the general meeting is required.

Special collateral

A decision was made to pledge to Nordea Bank Abp and Nordea Mortgage Bank Plc a sufficient number of mortgage deeds concerning the property the company owns/rents as special collateral for the loan to be taken, to apply for new mortgage deeds, if necessary, and to accept the terms of pledge. The board and/or the property manager were/was authorised to agree on the terms and conditions concerning collateral, to sign the pledge documents and the mortgage application as well as the relevant order.

General collateral

A decision was made to pledge to Nordea Bank Abp and Nordea Mortgage Bank Plc a sufficient number of mortgage deeds concerning the property the company owns/rents as general collateral for all present and future commitments and other obligations of the company, to apply for new mortgage deeds, if necessary, and to accept the terms of pledge. 

Both require a decision of the general meeting.

A decision was made to apply for a mortgage on property/mortgage on a leasehold (property ID) of XXX euros in total, XXX mortgage deeds of XXX euros each. The property manager and/or the board were/was authorised to sign the mortgage application and the relevant order on behalf of the company. Note! If the housing company applies for the mortgages itself, Nordea Bank Abp, Business ID 2858394-9, must be registered in the mortgage application as the recipient of the digital mortgage deeds.

A decision of the general meeting is required.


There are ready-made forms for companies' business and finance planning. When you come to discuss your plans with us, fill in the forms and bring them along.

Forms of the Company analysis advisory board

You can use the T and S forms of the Company analysis advisory board in your planning.

  • Investment plan (T1), for calculating the needed capital and financing for investments
  • Result budget (T2), for planning your operating result
  • Financing plan (T4), for planning the sufficiency of financing in the medium term
  • Cash budget (T5), for planning short-term financing
  • Loans and liabilities (T7), for planning of financing
  • Additional information to the Account (S1), for supplementing the financial statements

The T and S forms of the Company analysis advisory board.Opens new window