Ready to take the first step

The journey of founding a company is filled with excitement and doubt, and you should prepare yourself well for that. Here you can find the stories on what triggered a handful of young Scandinavian entrepreneurs to follow their dream. Learn how much work you need to put into it, how it could affect your private economy and how to get started on the right track, from day one. 

Also, find out why, how and where to get your business registered. And last but not least, learn how important it is to decide what type of company you want to start already in the beginning of your journey. 

If you are ready, now is the time to make your dream come true.

Register your business
Choose the right business type
Sole trader
Limited liability company
Limited partnership
General partnership

How to register your dream business

Business ID is for businesses and organizations and it’s issued by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office or the Tax Administration. New company will receive the Business ID immediately after the notification of establishment has been registered to the joint database of the Finnish Patent and Registration Office and the Tax Administration that is called the Business information system.    

You should consider what company form suits you and your business the most before delivering the notification. Different company forms are applied with different kind of responsibilities and obligations. 

When you have decided what company form is best for you and your business you can proceed to register your company. Limited company and sole trader can be registered online or with a paper form provided by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office. Other company forms has to register with a paper form.

More information and the necessary forms can be found from the Business information SystemOpens new window.

Business type overview

Get familiar with different types of businesses before you register your own company.

Notice that it’s chargeable to register your company in the Finnish Patent and Registration Office’s trade register.

If your trade or business activity changes for some reason, you can always change the company form to match your current situation better. Some folks start as a part-time entrepreneur, others start their business as a hobby and still keep their day jobs. This way they can try if there’s actually demand for their products or services on the market. In this occasion it’s enough to just register as a sole trader. When the income increases and the business evolves, it’s possible to change your type of business to something else.  

Personally owned small business

A personally owned small business is characterized by:

  • Only 1 owner
  • The owner represents the company
  • No employees
  • No export or import from countries outside the EU.

No economic requirements for being allowed to start. No legal requirements when it comes to accounting or making accounts public.

Owner is personally liable for the business debts (private assets such as your private house, car etc. could be seized to cover the debts). You cannot charge VAT or deduct VAT from purchased items.

Your turnover must be below 50,000 Dkr. a year, but you still need to pay taxes on your profits. Consider this type of company if this is only a part-time or hobby business where you expect a limited income (such as part-time consultant, lecturer, designer, photographer etc.) or if you have no plans of expanding.

Limited liability company

  • Most commonly used legal company form in Finland.
  • At least one founder. 
  • Shareholders are responsible for the company's debts and obligations up to their share value.

Shareholders are responsible for the company's debts and obligations up to their share value. Therefore shareholders are not responsible for the company's liabilities with their personal fortune. 

A limited liability company is more bureaucratic than other legal company forms. For example it is legally obligated that a limited liability company has a yearly financial statement. 

Limited liability company

  • Most common type of business in Finland. 
  • At least one founder.
  • Shareholders are responsible of the company’s debts with the amount of the capital stock invested. 

Shareholders are responsible with the amount of their investment so they are not responsible with their personal fortune.  

Limited company is more heavy on administration than other business entities. The obligations on financial statements are wider than for example with a sole trader.  

A charter, articles of association and subscriptions of shares are made when the limited company is established. While creating these documents you might want to get some help from an advocate.

In regard to limited liability companies, housing companies and mutual real estate limited companies, the legal requirement for a minimum share capital of 2,500 euros was revoked by virtue of the applicable legislative amendments that entered into force on 1 July 2019.

General partnership

  • At least two general partners. 
  • General partners are responsible of the company’s obligations with their personal fortune. 

No minimum capital. The capital consists of the investments of the general partners that can be of different amounts and type. A general partner can invest in the company money, goods or just one’s labor input.

The responsibility of the general partners is unlimited and personal. 

The articles of incorporation can be informal but it should always be made as written agreement. In the articles of incorporation general rules of the company are agreed as well as the responsibilities of the general partners.


  • At least one founder.
  • A company form owned by its members.
  • The members are responsible of the co-operative’s obligations with the amount of co-operative capital. 


The members are responsible of the co-operative’s obligations with the amount of co-operative capital and not with their personal fortune.

Making mutual agreements can be slow if there’s a lot of members.


The membership count and the capital are not predefined. Co-operative can accept and expel members and the members can resign basically whenever. So in that sense co-operative is very flexible company form. 

Use ready-made templates for business planning

We have created templates for you so that you can start planning your business activities efficiently. You can benefit from our templates when developing your business or when planning to start a new business. 

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