How would you like to receive your financial statement files?

Nordea Business netbank
Web Services
Corporate Netbank
Delivery by post
Sole traders

Checklist for year-end financial statements

  • Make sure that you have opened the necessary services in Nordea Business under the Finances tab (balance statements and electronic liability and collateral statements). The administrator can give access right to other users in order for them to retrieve the needed documents.
  • If you haven’t yet opened these services, we recommend that you do so well in advance by contacting us via chat or by filling in the power of attorney for payments.
  • The digital files will become available on 9th of January 2025.
  • If you have forgotten to open the services or your company is not using a digital solution, you can order the statements by filling in this form.

How do electronic services benefit your company?

  • Retrieving digital statements is the most affordable option.
  • You can download these monthly printouts via Netbank or file transfer any time of the day.
  • Your company can also authorise an accounting firm, a house managing agency, an accounting firm or another group company to download the material from file transfer at the same price.
  • It is also possible to download the printouts retroactively: from file transfer 4 months back and from Nordea Business netbank 18 months back.

Frequently asked questions about ordering financial statement files