Tools for the invoicer notification

The e-invoice suits both consumer invoicing and business-to-business invoicing. The information necessary for the transmission of e-invoices is exchanged between the payer and the invoicer: companies exchange the information in a manner of their choice whereas the information concerning consumer customers is transmitted from Netbank.

The most important parts of consumer invoicing are the invoicer notification and the reception notification. The invoicer notification notifies the consumer customer that your company offers the e-invoice. The payers see the information in their Netbank services and can order the e-invoice from your company. From this order the bank forms a reception notification, which the invoicer retrieves in file format.

The invoicer notification is formed automatically. If your company does not have a program to form the notification, you can find one on the website of the Federation of Finnish Financial Services (FFI).

Nordea's test tool

If you have formed the before-mentioned message or e-invoices with your own program, you can use Nordea's test tool check that they are structurally correct.

More information about e-invoices on the website of the Federation of Finnish Financial Services (FFI)

The website of FFI http://finvoice.infoOpens new window includes e-invoice pages for invoicers and software houses. From these pages you can find the descriptions, terms and conditions as well as technical files of both the Finvoice and the consumer's e-invoice.

If your company does not have the program for forming the invoicer notification, you can find it on FFI's pages.

Invoicer notification

The invoicer notification is connected to the e-invoicing of consumers. In the notification the invoicer includes its information concerning a certain invoicing subject to be published in consumers' netbanks. After the invoicer notification has been sent, consumers can order the e-invoice, in other words, notify an e-invoice reception address to the invoicer through their own netbanks.

When you have formed the invoicer notifications, send them to the bank with your bank connection program (for example, with Corporate Netbank's file transfer function). The invoicer notifications are sent to the bank with which you have made the agreement on sending e-invoices.

Validating with Nordea's XML-testing tool

When you have formed your e-invoice files complying with Finvoice, you can validate them by using Nordea's XML test tool. With the tool you can check the structural correctness of your e-invoice and also partly its logical correctness.

The tool is easy to use, and you get a reply right away. No data on the message is stored in Nordea's systems. The tool uses the Java Web Start application, so you will need at least version 1.5 of the Java Runtime module.

The XML testing tool is available on Nordea's Testing page. You can use the tool free of charge. The tool does not include instructions or support.

You find Nordea's model messages for consumers' e-invoicing on our Testing pageOpens new window.