Why send e-invoices?
- Reduce your printing and posting costs
- Your cash management becomes quicker when payments are credited to your account with correct details on time
- Decrease manual processing
- You can do your invoicing securely in Netbank, just as you handle your payment traffic
Why receive e-invoices?
- E-invoicing makes it quick and easy for you to process incoming invoices, as you can see the payment details directly in Nordea Business – all you need to do is confirm the invoice.
- E-invoicing offers more accuracy by removing the need to fill in payment details manually from a paper invoice as well as the risk of losing invoices.
- After the invoice has been paid you may go back and check the transaction details, if you need to.
- You can process purchase order invoices without having to invest in a separate software solution for them.
E-invoicing service in Netbank
With the e-invoicing service in Netbank, you can send and receive invoices easily and affordably – there is no need for separate invoicing software.
The e-invoicing service in Netbank is particularly suitable for you if you are not using a separate invoicing program and you prefer to do your invoicing easily and securely in parallel with your other banking. In the service, you can create and send e-invoices and paper invoices to your corporate customers. In addition, you can receive e-invoices in your Netbank and pay your invoices conveniently by just accepting the invoices you receive.
Copies of sales invoices directly to your accounting firm
- You can now forward copies of your sales invoices directly to your accounting firm as e-invoices from Nordea Business.
- This automatic process saves you time and effort.
- After you have agreed on the service with your accounting firm, you can start using it in Nordea Business under e-invoice settings.
Terms and conditions:
Please read the terms and conditions of the service before making the agreement and starting to use the service.
Service descriptions:
Please read the service descriptions before making the agreement and starting to use the service.
Benefits of the e-invoice service in file transfer
- You can increase the efficiency of your financial administration processes by automating the processing of invoices and starting to use fully digital invoicing
- E-invoices are archived automatically, which means they will available to you digitally also after the invoice has been paid if you need to go back and check the transaction details
- Through us, you can reach both your corporate and consumer customers with a single agreement
- Your printing and posting costs will decrease
E-invoice service in file transfer
The “e-invoice in file transfer” service allows e-invoices, just like payments, to be integrated into your financial administration systems. You can automate and digitalise your entire invoicing.
You can fully digitalise your invoicing right from the first day.
The e-invoice service in file transfer suits you if you are using a financial administration system for processing sales invoices and/or purchase invoices. You will form e-invoice files in your own system and send them to Nordea’s file transfer, just like your other payment files. Similarly, you will be able to retrieve the incoming e-invoices for checking and posting into your financial administration system. Through the system, you will be able to reach both your corporate and consumer customers with the same agreement.
The service enables you to fully automate your invoicing and processing of invoices. You can attach the printing and posting of paper invoices and the scanning of purchase invoices to the service. Thus you will be able to adopt digital invoicing even if your trading partners still process their invoices on paper. In addition to printing and scanning, you can link other additional services to the service. For instance, you can add your company’s logo to paper invoices or transmit invoice-related supplementary information on an appendix or via a link (to consumers).
To activate the service, please contact Nordea Business Centre.
Consumer invoicing
Consumer invoicing is part of the “e-invoice in file transfer” service. The service enables you to send e-invoices to personal customers’ netbanks and direct payments to your customers who do not use an online banking service. You will able to reach all banks’ personal customers through Nordea.
In consumer invoicing, a notification service is included in the e-invoicing service: invoicer notification, reception notification and receiver proposal message.
- The invoicer notification tells your consumer customer that your company is offering the e-invoice. The payers see the information in their online banking service and can order the e-invoice from your company.
- The bank will form a reception notification from this order for you. A program is required for making invoicer notifications. If your company does not yet have a program with which you can make them, such programs are available on Finance Finland (FFI)'s websiteOpens new window.
- You can enhance your customers’ adoption of the e-invoice right from the first invoice by using a receiver proposal message. You can also start using active approval, which means that your customers will be offered a ready-made e-invoice order for their approval in Netbank.
As an additional service to your consumer invoicing, you can use the e-invoice link. The link allows you to show further invoice-related details in a separate presentment archive.
To activate the service, please contact Nordea Business Centre.
Additional services in e-invoicing
Nordea supports e-invoices complying with the Finvoice message description. The Finvoice application guidelines, the related descriptions and technical data are available on the website of Finance Finland (FFI). Nordea supports Finvoice versions 1.3, 2.0, 2.01 and 3.0.
You can test e-invoices with our testing tools. Once you have formed your e-invoice files complying with Finvoice using your programme, you can check the formal and partial logic correctness of the structure of the e-invoice message by using Nordea's XML testing tool. The tool is easy to use, and you get a reply right away. No data on the message is stored in Nordea's systems.
You can find the XML testing tool on Nordea’s testing page. You can use the tool free of charge. The use of the tool does not include instructions or support.