Make sure your business creates value throughout its life cycle

A successful sale is the result of consistent value creation throughout the company’s life cycle. Our best advice to business owners is to make sure your business is always ‘ready to be sold’ – this way you’ll maximise its value even if you don’t have immediate plans to sell it. The value of your company is based on its profitability, competence and prospects. A business that creates value for its stakeholders grows in a profitable way and is therefore a stable partner for its customers and partners, a good employer and perhaps also a good taxpayer. At the same time, it provides value growth for its shareholders.

Preparing to sell your business
Selling the business: assets or shares?
Finding a buyer for your business and types of buyers

How to successfully sell your business


A successful sale largely comes down to careful preparations and finding the ideal buyer. It can be a long process but be patient – the first potential buyer may not be the right one for you. A good deal relies on sound business logic. Both the buyer and the seller should be able to see that blending the two businesses will create value for the company and its stakeholders in the long term. The transaction price should also reflect the good return to be expected, and the customers and employees of the target company should benefit from the merger. The transaction price is based on a valuation, which takes into account several financial performance metrics. The actual price will be the result of negotiations and depends on which qualitative factors the buyer values. Therefore the "right" price always varies from buyer to buyer.