What is an EIF guarantee?

Nordea can offer SMEs a risk sharing guarantee from the European Investment Fund (EIF). This eases the availability of bank financing for investments promoting renewal and growth.

  • Is granted based on the purpose of the investment or the company´s business model.
  • Reduces the need for other collateral.
  • Nordea assesses the customer's eligibility for an EIF guarantee when processing the loan application.

For what kind of projects can you use an EIF guarantee?

Sustainable solutions

  • Ideal for companies pursuing goals such as energy efficiency, use of renewable energy sources and environmentally sustainable materials, circular economy solutions or low emissions. 

Product/service development

  • Suitable for innovative, growing companies making significant investments in product, service or process development.

Why use an EIF guarantee?

For sustainable investments by SMEs

  • Sustainability guarantees from EIF aim to support the sustainable transition. The risk sharing guarantees provided by the European Investment Fund(EIF) is an ideal way to meet the various needs of SMEs.

Boosts growth and product development in SMEs

  • The EIF guarantee makes financing more available to growing enterprises focusing on product, process or service development.

Reduces the need for other collateral

  • An EIF guarantee will serve as collateral for your corporate loan, reducing your need for other collateral.

Nordea can grant an EIF guarantee when you apply for financing

  • Nordea will assess your eligibility for an EIF guarantee during the financing negotiations, so that you only need to deal with Nordea.

Contact us regarding EIF guarantee

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