When you invest in our funds, the risks of investment will be reduced thanks to diversification. The funds' assets are spread over different markets and sectors, and therefore they offer access to several different investment alternatives. Funds are suitable for investors who want professionals to manage their investments according to the market situation.

  • Minimum subscription: 10 euros
  • The portfolio manager monitors the markets: when equity prices are expected to decline, the weight of fixed income investments is increased and vice versa.
  • You can buy and sell fund units at any time.


Investment profile
Risk and return


A subscription fee is charged on a subscription (purchase) for fund units and a redemption fee on a redemption (sale) of fund units. You can subscribe for fund units for a reduced fee via Netbank.

Each fund pays the fund management company a management fee, which covers such fund management costs as value calculation, accounting and reporting.

The amount of the management fee is given as an annual fee. The management fee is deducted in the calculation of the daily net asset value per fund unit, and is thus not charged separately. The fee includes a custody fee for fund units.

You can view the fees for each fund in the Funds Now serviceOpens new window.