Validate an IBAN

With the calculation and validation service for IBAN account numbers you can convert the account numbers in your company’s account ledger into IBAN account numbers and you will get the related BIC codes for your use.

Once the IBANs and BICs are already updated in the account ledger, you can use the same service to check the validity of IBANs and BICs all over Europe. The checking is done for the account numbers of the SEPA banks and other IBAN account banks in the Single Euro Payments Area.

With the service you can also get confirmation that the domestic Nordea accounts in the ledger are still valid accounts.
Account numbers in the following banks in Finland can be converted:

  • Nordea
  • SHB
  • SEB
  • Danske Bank
  • DnB NOR
  • Swedbank Finland
  • S-Pankki
  • Aktia, Savings Banks and Local Cooperative Banks
  • Cooperative Banks
  • Bank of Ålands

You can start using the service by making an agreement at a Nordea branch.

Read the service descriptionOpens new window for more detailed information on the adoption and use of the service.