
Test link from open pages to product store

This page is for testing links from open pages to Netbank Product store. 

Test environment

After clicking the link do authenticated login to the netbank test and see if you end up to the right page. 

Production environment

Production can be tested by someone who can log in to FI netbank in production. For Corporate production saga will ask business to test when it is time. 


Link to test, product store category LoansOpens new window

Link for test, product store page noraOpens new window

Link for prod, product store category SavingsOpens new window

Link for prod, product store  page Nordea GoldOpens new window 


Link to test, product store category FinancingOpens new window

Link to test, product store page Business Visa DebitOpens new window

Link for prod, product store category InvestmentsOpens new window

Link to prod, product store page Corporate loanOpens new window