Temporary account disturbance fixed

15 May 2024  Our services suffered from a disturbance for about 1.5 hours during the night. During this time, some accounts were not visible in Nordea Mobile and Netbank and services linked to the accounts were not available. We have now fixed the issue and our services are again available as normal. 

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Disturbances in our banking services

We are constantly developing our banking services so that you can use them smoothly and securely Sometimes our development activities require maintenance breaks in our services. We will always seek to minimise any inconvenience caused and will provide information in an appropriate manner.

This page contains information on planned maintenance breaks and other disturbances.

How will we provide information on disturbances?

Planned maintenance: We will always plan any regular maintenance work carefully in advance and inform you on this page about any breaks due to maintenance. Depending on the scope of maintenance, we will also provide information on upcoming service breaks in other ways.

Unexpected disturbances in our banking services: You will find information on any unexpected disturbances primarily in the service concerned – e.g. on the login page of Nordea Mobile and Netbank.​​ We will also provide information on disturbances and how they are fixed in our social media channels: X (formerly Twitter)Opens new window and FacebookOpens new window.  

What to do if you notice a disturbance in our banking services?

If you notice a disturbance in Nordea’s banking services, please follow our notifications on this page, on our Latest news page and in Nordea’s social media channels. You will also find information on the disturbance in the service concerned.

Please note that our Customer Service may be busy when disturbances occur. Therefore please follow our digital channels.